Which type of computer crime describes actions

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Reference no: EM13774155

Question 1 Data alteration and denial directly targets the computer by attacking the useful information stored or processed by the computer.

Question 2 Child pornography is an example of which type of computer crime?

Question 3 Agnew argues that crime is due to a lack of attachment to parents.

Question 4 _____________ is designed to impose a sanction on convicted offenders in order to prevent them from continuing to commit criminal acts in the future

Question 5 Which of the following forms of technology expanded the scope of hacker activities?

Question 6 The primary avenue of redress for corporations seeking to litigate charges of corporate espionage is the criminal courts.

Question 7 What major category of information warfare/cyber-terror does "cryptography" fall into?

Question 8 Which technique of neutralization occurs when an individual believes that the victim "had it coming"?

Question 9 Computer crime is not an international problem.

Question 10 An unauthorized program typically contained within a legitimate program is known as a:

Question 11 During what decade did electronic funds transfers (EFT's) begin to expand money laundering opportunities?

Question 12 Recent research has linked the act of music and software piracy to what prominent theory?

Question 13 Fortune 1000 technology firms report an average of how many espionage attacks per year?

Question 14 Which of the following is defined in terms of their activities related to denial of service attacks?

Question 15 Traditional money laundering techniques include all of the following except one. Which technique below is not a traditional method of money laundering?

Question 16 Opportunities for identity crimes have increased primarily because consumers are increasingly asked to use their social security number as a personal identifier.

Question 17 A subculture is a set of values, norms, and beliefs that differ from the dominant culture.

Question 18 The unique feature of a worm is that it:

Question 19 A virus is a piece of code that attaches itself to other instructions within a computer.

Question 20 Which of the following is most true?

Question 21 A worm is a program that reproduces itself over a computer network by breaking into computers much like a virtual hacker.

Question 22 The United States is likely the nation that is most vulnerable to digital terrorism.

Question 23 According to Merton, a(n) ___________ accepts the goal of economic success but rejects the institutionalized means to obtain it.

Question 24 The 80s were a pivotal decade in the trend toward defining hackers as "criminals."

Question 25 One of the primary tenets of the "hacker code" as conceived by Levy is that information should be free to all users.

Question 26 Data alteration, denial of service, network intrusions, thefts of information, and computer vandalism are examples of which type of computer crime?

Question 27 Research indicates that individuals with low self control are more likely to view on-line pornography

Question 28 Which of the following is defined as a malicious hacker?

Question 29 Virus writers generally write viruses to steal information and destroy data.

Question 30 Which of the following is true?

Question 31 What major category of information warfare/cyber-terror does "web site defacement" fall into?

Question 32 Hackers were generally considered to be "criminals" as early as the 60s.

Question 33 The motives for many writers of malicious software have changed from profit to curiosity and revenge.

Question 34 What major category of information warfare/cyber-terror does "data hiding" fall into?

Question 35 Hackers predominantly associate themselves with illegal acts.

Question 36 What major category of information warfare/cyber-terror does "cyber-plagues" fall into?

Question 37 This group tends to define hackers and their activities in terms of the danger associated with hacking and its sometimes malicious intent.

Question 38 All of the following terms are used to characterize and describe viruses, except:

Question 39 Which of the following is NOT one of the four primary environments viruses operate in?

Question 40 Recent studies suggest that 10 percent of personal computers are infected by malicious software.

Question 41 "Neutralization techniques" may be defined as:

Question 42 The primary difference between data alteration and network intrusion is the

Question 43 According to Kohlberg, right corresponds to seeing one's own needs met, taking responsibility for oneself, and allowing others to do the same in which stage of moral development?

Question 44 Criminal statistics on computer crime are

Question 45 The advent of large-scale computerized databases in the financial services field has made embezzlement a more technically-oriented crime requiring more sophisticated knowledge than was the case 30 years ago.

Question 46 This group tends to define hackers and their activities in terms of the illegality of hacking.

Question 47 Which type of computer crime describes actions in which the computer is used only to further a criminal end? In other words, the computer or data contained therein is not the object of the crime.

Question 48 Despite its contention that modern technological advancements are incompatible with fundamentalist Islam culture, Al-Qaeda has become a primary foe in the digital terrorism area.

Question 49 Hackers appear to exhibit a subculture that includes:

Reference no: EM13774155

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