Which the artist uses objects he has found to construct

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Reference no: EM133365421

Question: In the last few decades a new art form has emerged. They are a branch of the art form known as found art,'I in which the artist uses objects he has found to construct the work of art. The new orm is called "trash art.ll This art does the same thing but with garbage as your raw material. tround the world. artists are using thrown-away items as its medium and transforming it into omething beautiful. These artists believe that garbage is valuable. Instead of sitting in lumpsters and landfills, some objects can be recycled into beautiful art pieces. One example is a culpture made out of cigarette filters. They were created by a young artist named Tom )eininger. They collected the cigarette filters from beach parking lots. The sculpture is of a abbit. He has a strong smell of stale cigarettes. This kind of art contains aspects of their previous forms. Trash art shows that you don't have to use oil paints and canvas to make art. All she needs is a little inspiration.

Reference no: EM133365421

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