Which tells the ribosome to begin the process of translating

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Reference no: EM133663403

Question: It is important to note that this is the case since methionine is the very first amino acid in every protein. This indicates that the ribosome will begin the process of making a protein by starting at the AUG codon and then moving along the mRNA sequence, translating it into amino acids and generating a protein in the process. The fact that methionine is a "start" codon, which tells the ribosome to begin the process of translating mRNA, is one of the primary reasons for its significance. The amino acid sequence AUG is crucial because it serves as the beginning point for the translation of the majority of proteins. This is due to the fact that methionine is the very first amino acid that is present in every protein. In addition, AUG may function as a "start" codon, which tells the ribosome to begin the process of translating the mRNA.

Reference no: EM133663403

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