Which strategic style is the most appropriate for sports

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131944691

In this activity you will analyze the external environment in each of the three sectors of sport (public, professional and not-for-profit) and choose the most appropriate strategic style for 4 different organizations within them, using the BCG dimensions and strategic styles.

What information do you need?

Read and assimilate the contents of the unit. Read and assimilate the concepts of the Boston Consulting Group''s article "Why Strategy Needs a Strategy" (Reeves, M. et al., BCG Perspectives, 2012) which explains in further detail the core concepts you need to complete the assignment.

How the activity should be resolved?

The success of this activity will depend on the following sequence:

Complete the course material with particular attention to the BCG concepts of matching strategic style to the competitive environment and the ideas behind the choice of an appropriate strategic style.

Choose four real organizations (one in each of the three sport sectors; you are free to select the fourth organization from any of the three sectors) and their external environment using the BCG dimensions and select an appropriate strategic style for each.

Summarize concisely the reasons for proposing which strategic style is the most appropriate for each sports organization.

Verified Expert

This task is of 900 words and in this, I have explained different strategies in sports sector environment and how sports help to public, professional and non-profit organizations. I had elaborated that why sports need the strategy. I have explained sports industry professions and also sports industry not for profit.

Reference no: EM131944691

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