Reference no: EM132295471
DQ 1
This metacognitive forum is intended to help you develop intentional learning practices. It is an opportunity to think about how you processed the learning from the previous week. You are welcome to reference any of the required or supplementary materials, videos, or instructor guidance as well as anything in the text that was not covered in the discussions.
Complete the following sentence starters to create your post:
• One new or interesting thing I learned last week was... I found it interesting because...
• One thing that went well for me last week was...
• Something I could have done differently last week was... This week I will...
• After reading the materials and completing last week's assignments, I'd like to learn more about...
Your initial post is due no later than Day 1, and it must be a minimum of 150 words (including the sentence starters). You will not be able to see the posts of your peers until you have posted in this forum. Respond to at least two other classmates by Day 7. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words. This is an opportunity for peer-to-peer support. If you notice a classmate is struggling with something that you can help with, use your responses to support them. Helping your classmates will not only benefit them, but it will also help to solidify your own knowledge.
DQ 2
Steps to Metacognition [CLOs: 3, 4]
Prepare: Before responding to this discussion, click through the interactive (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. above and carefully review the descriptions of each step of metacognition in Section 3.2 of Chapter 3.
Reflect: Metacognitive activities, such as this discussion and the Metacognitive Forums, can help you reflect on your own learning and develop higher-order thinking. As you complete this discussion, you may realize you were not always aware of how and why your thoughts corresponded with your actions in the past. Pausing to analyze why you're doing what you're doing can help you improve the final quality of your work.
Write: In complete sentences and a minimum of 250 words, address the following:
• Assess your progress as an intentional learner by considering each metacognitive step: mulling, connecting, rehearsing, attending, expressing, assessing, reflecting, and revisiting.
o Which step do you use with ease? Describe how you use it.
o Which step is most challenging for you to use? Why?
o Which step do you skip over or ignore completely? Why?
• Imagine someone asks, "What kind of student are you?" How would you answer? What would they observe about your study techniques?
Consider things such as the following: engagement with course resources (textbook, video, articles, Instructor Guidance, announcements), how often you log in to class, participation in discussion forums, approach to taking quizzes, etc.
• Now imagine that same person asks, "What kind of student would you like to be?" List three specific things you are doing to become the student you want to be.
Discussion 1
Metacognitive Forum [CLO: 2]
This metacognitive forum is intended to help you develop intentional learning practices. It is an opportunity to think about how you processed the learning from the previous week. You are welcome to reference any of the required or supplementary materials, videos, or instructor guidance as well as anything in the text that was not covered in the discussions.
Complete the following sentence starters to create your post:
• One new or interesting thing I learned last week was... I found it interesting because...
• One thing that went well for me last week was...
• Something I could have done differently last week was... This week I will...
• After reading the materials and completing last week's assignments, I'd like to learn more about...
Your initial post is due no later than Day 1, and it must be a minimum of 150 words (including the sentence starters). You will not be able to see the posts of your peers until you have posted in this forum. Respond to at least two other classmates by Day 7. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words. This is an opportunity for peer-to-peer support.
If you notice a classmate is struggling with something that you can help with, use your responses to support them. Helping your classmates will not only benefit them, but it will also help to solidify your own knowledge.
Discussion 2
Understanding the Patterns of Others [CLO: 2]
Prepare: Critically read Chapter 4 of your textbook. Then, pick one adult in your life you regularly interact with and guess their level of use for each Pattern. If you prefer, give them the LCI using these instructions. Note: This version is appropriate for individuals ages 16 and up.
Reflect: A heightened awareness of the similarities and differences between yourself and others around you is a critical component in the process of becoming an intentional learner. Reflect on how this individual's Learning Patterns are similar to or different from yours.
Write: In a minimum of 250 words, address the following:
• For the person you chose, identify the level of use (Use First, Use as Needed, Avoid) for each Learning Pattern and describe how they use it. Specify if you are guessing the level of use or if you gave them the LCI.
• Remind us of your Learning Patterns by listing the level of use.
• Provide an example that demonstrates how Learning Patterns led to positive interactions or created friction between you and the person you selected. Applying what you know about Learning Patterns, how do you now view the incident?
Discussion 1
Metacognitive Forum [CLO: 2]
This metacognitive forum is intended to help you develop intentional learning practices. It is an opportunity to think about how you processed the learning from the previous week. You are welcome to reference any of the required or supplementary materials, videos, or instructor guidance as well as anything in the text that was not covered in the discussions.
Complete the following sentence starters to create your post:
• One new or interesting thing I learned last week was... I found it interesting because...
• One thing that went well for me last week was...
• Something I could have done differently last week was... This week I will...
• After reading the materials and completing last week's assignments, I'd like to learn more about...
Your initial post is due no later than Day 1, and it must be a minimum of 150 words (including the sentence starters). You will not be able to see the posts of your peers until you have posted in this forum.
Respond to at least two other classmates by Day 7. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words.
This is an opportunity for peer-to-peer support. If you notice a classmate is struggling with something that you can help with, use your responses to support them. Helping your classmates will not only benefit them, but it will also help to solidify your own knowledge.
Discussion 2
You may view a written transcript of this videoLinks to an external site. or click the "CC" button on the video player above.
Prepare: To prepare for this discussion, watch the video above and review how to decode from Chapter 3, Section 3.3 in your book.
Reflect: Think about the different jobs you've held. These can include volunteer work or managing your home or family responsibilities full-time. Reflect on the tasks or responsibilities you had.
Write: Pick one position you've held and address the following in a minimum of 250 words:
• List the title and briefly describe the job. For example, "I have worked as a Special Education Instructional Aide at an elementary school from 2008 to now. As a 1-on-1 Instructional Aide, I provide personalized attention to the student and help them with social and academic skill development."
• Describe the three tasks or responsibilities you most enjoyed. Decode each task or responsibility that you listed by identifying the Learning Pattern(s) required to successfully complete it.
• Describe the three tasks or responsibilities you least enjoyed. Decode each task or responsibility that you listed by identifying the Learning Pattern(s) required to successfully complete it.
• Consider all the tasks or responsibilities required of the job. Knowing what you know now about Learning Patterns, was (or is) this job a good match for your Patterns? Why or why not? Remind us of your Learning Patterns by listing the level of use.