Which standard discusses the nursing scope of practice

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Reference no: EM133671160

Synchronous oral presentation

Question 1. Using the International Nurses Code of Ethics, explain how this is used to guide professional nursing practice in the Australian Health care setting.

Question 2. Explain and discuss consent, false imprisonment in relation to nursing in the Australian healthcare setting.

Question 3. Registered Nurse standards of practice explain how this helps to contribute to the nursing profession.

*Question 4. Using the Registered Nurse standards of practice identify which standard discusses the Nursing Scope of Practice and explain why the 'scope of practice' is important for nurses and or midwives working in the Australian healthcare setting.

Question 5. Using the International Nurses Code of Ethics, explain what the four main ethical principles are and how they guide nursing care in the Australian healthcare setting.

Question 6. Explain the role of the Australian Health PraIitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), and discuss its role in the clinical governance of nursing in Australia.

Question 7. Explain what the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards are and discuss their role nursing practice to ensure patient-centred care.

Question 8. Using the Registered Nurse standards of practice, discuss why maintaining a therapeutic and professional relationship between the nurse/midwife and patient is important in clinical practice.

Question 9. Explain the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, and discuss how it relates the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, patient care and nursing practice in the Australian healthcare setting.
Ex what they are, and how they inform safe and quality

Question 10. Using the Aged Care Quality Standards, e p patient care in the Australian Health care system.

Note: Only need Question 4.

A: Introduction
Excellent (5) - Clearly introduces the topic the presentation will focus on and the presenters. Outstandingly introduces the key points of the presentation.

B: Identify and explain relevant code, standard or legislation related to topic

Excellent (10-8) - Accurately identifies and explains relevant code, standard or legislation.

Provides a compelling, wellsupported explanation of code, standard or legislation.

C: Explain the relevance and application of the topic to nursing practice in the clinical healthcare setting (i.e. why its relevant and how it's used in nursing practice and patient care)

Excellent (10-8) - Provides an excellent and comprehensive explanation of why the topic is highly relevant to nursing practice in the clinical healthcare setting. Offers a detailed description of how the topic is effectively applied in nursing practice and patient care, illustrating a profound understanding of its real-world use.

D: Conclusion (5 marks) Excellent. A summary of the main points is clearly articulated, and the summary is relevant and clear.

Referencing - In addition to national legislation, codes, and standards, 6 peer-reviewed journal articles must be included.

APA 7th edition referencing style is expected to be followed, this in-text citations and reference list.

Reference no: EM133671160

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4/4/2024 11:24:26 PM

nursing assignment topics for assignment - Q 4 attached i am not sure yet with the topic but may be question no 4 we have to do referencing APA7 i need 7 slides the information we need in slides

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