Which stage in the sequential model of rediscovering

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Reference no: EM13467104

1.Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between victimology and criminology?

2.In their prosecutorial role, Assistant District Attorneys can take steps to protect victims and witnesses from:

3.The process in which police completely reject a person's claim about being the victim of a crime is known as

4.Victimology is an interdisciplinary field that benefits from the contributions of:

5.Most serial murderers involved in cult related killings are found to be:

6.According to Lombroso's criminal categories, the habitual criminal engages in crime:

7.Hostages often identify with their captors and develop anger toward the law enforcement officers who are trying to rescue them. This phenomenon is known as

8._____ has been applied to situations in which victims played a contributory role in their own demise.

9.The substantial variation between judges in the severity of the punishments they mete out in comparable cases is called:

10."Stephanie's Law" made it a felony to:

11.Which of the following has opened the door to a more victim-oriented approach to law enforcement?

12.Reiss and Roth found that:

13.Asperger's Disorder is a milder variant of:

14.A husband has a long history of physical abuse toward his wife and children. The wife's order of protection and previous complaint to the police has not stopped the abuse. One night, the wife shoots the husband in his sleep. Examine this scenario from the perspectives of "victim blaming," "victim defending," and "system blaming."

15.The social learning of violence is believed by researchers to be a direct result of:

16.Which of the following is a false statement about serial killers? (this one I got wrong)

17.Which stage of the sequential process of rediscovering victims involves the emergence of an opposition and development of resistance to further change?

18.The DSM IV indicates that personality disorders have an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which these patterns are manifested?

19.Cognitive dissonance refers to:

20.(?)The most common argument made by opponents in Stage 3 of the rediscovery process is which of the following?

21.Sociological theories which focus primarily upon an individual's socioeconomic standing to explain crime are known as:

22.Hirschi's four elements of the social bond include:

23.Arguments that the victims of a crime might share responsibility with their offenders for what happened due to facilitation, precipitation, and provocation have been characterized as:

24.When would-be complainants experience strong pressures from their own families and friends not to come forward and tell the police what has happened, they have experienced:

25.According to the tenets of _____, neither the offender nor the victim is the real culprit.

26.Which of the following statements is true of DSM-IV personality disorders?

27.Which of the following rules is being referred to when "a person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirement of the law"?

28.The essential inquiry involved when M'Naughten Rule is applied is:

29.Discuss the reasons why a victim might choose to not report a crime to the police. Be certain to include in your response the victim's role as a facilitator, precipitator, or provocateur.

30.With the exception of those who murder their families, Mass Murderers appear to:

31.Describe the difference between mass, spree, and serial murderers.

32.One similarity between criminologists and victimologists is that they:

33.The lower rate in violent crime, especially murder, is explained by which of the following contributing factors?

34.According to Eysenck the foundation for criminality is:

35.Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the Green River Killer?

36.Which of the following behavioral characteristics is NOT typical of the psychopath?

37.Which of the following crimes would most likely be a "crime of passion"?

38.The following was/were believed to be able to detect criminal predisposition by examining bumps and abnormalities on the surface of the skull.

39._____ refers to the practice of charging a defendant with every applicable crime committed during a single criminal incident.

40._______ embraces the scientific study of crimes, criminals, criminal laws, and the criminal justice system.

41.Compare victimology and criminology. Outline both the similarities and differences between the disciplines.

42.Which stage in the sequential model of rediscovering victims involves the process of typification of victim categories and identifying classic cases?

Reference no: EM13467104

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