Which stage do you think the company is in

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Reference no: EM133244507

Question - An oil company's management has decided to consolidate its three divisions into one single regional office in San Francisco. This move would mean that over 150 employees would be transferred to San Francisco (a very expensive city to live in) from their current location. To overcome the pressures of both individual resistance and group resistance, the company has decided to use positive incentives to encourage employees to accept the change. The company has decided to begin implementing the following in order to increase the driving forces for change and reduce the forces against change:

-increase the pay for those who accept the transfer

-pay the moving expenses for those who decided to make the move

-offer low cost mortgage funds to allow employees to buy new homes in San Francisco

-counsel each employee individually to discuss their concerns and apprehensions about the move

1. According to Lewin's Model of Change, which stage do you think the company is in?

2. What further recommendations can you suggest to ease the change process for the employees? Identify and explain 2 recommendations that you have thought of.

Reference no: EM133244507

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