Reference no: EM131127055
1. Who was part of the famous Apollo 11 mission, but did NOT walk on the moon?
a) Virgil Grissom
b) Buzz Aldrin
c) Michael Collins
d) James Lovell
2. Who was the first woman in space?
a) Valentina Tereshkova
b) Christa McAuliffe
c) Sally Ride
d) Mae Jamison
3. Which Space vehicle did Yuri Gagarin Board for the first time?
a) Soyuz
b) Vostok
c) Molniya
d) Berkut
4. Who was the second man on the moon?
a) Michael Collins
b) James Lovell
c) Alan B.Shepherd
d) Buzz Aldrin
5. Who was the first man in space?
a) Neil Armstrong
b) Edwin Aldrin
c) Yuri Gagarin
d) Alan B.Shepherd
6. Which astronomer is well noted for his formulating of the three laws of planetary motion?
a) Nicholas Copernicus
b) Galileo
c) Edmund Halley
d) Jahannes Kepler
7. Which space shuttle burned up during reentry in 2003?
a) Columbia
b) Challenger
c) Atlantis
d) Endeavor
8. What was the first US Space Shuttle to fly in space?
a) Atlantis
b) Columbia
c) Challenger
d) Discovery
9. In which year did a human walk on the moon for the first time?
a) 1973
b) 1969
c) 1957
d) 1981
10. Which planet is also known as the red planet?
a) Mercury
b) Pluto
c) Mars
d) Jupiter
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