Reference no: EM133363659
1. An enterprise has a main branch and 7 branches located at different locations. Each location has 200 users each. You should plan for expansion in your design.
2. The main location has a server which is required to be accessed by all users in the other locations. The server is on its own VLAN.
3. The network should use either Class A, B or C private IP Addresses and is to be subnetted for the required number of networks and hosts.
4. There should be a wireless network in all 7 locations and that wireless network should be a separate subnet at each location.
5. The company has an enterprise VOIP phone system, which should be on a separate VLAN at each location with a phone gateway at the main location.
6. All buildings have network video surveillance and that should be a separate network as well.
7. There is a physical door access security system that uses badges for entry. This should be on a separate network at each location.
8. Internet access all comes through the WAN to the main branch and there is a firewall at this location.
9. There are no fiber facilities between these branches due to geographical distances. We will assume a T1 WAN has been setup.
Please provide labeled diagram(s) of your design as well as explanation. The diagram should be clearly labeled and explanation must include all VLAN IDs and IP subnetting schemes explained.