Which should be based on the patterns and insights derived

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133811018

Assignment: Data Visualization

Part I: Exploratory Data Analysis (approx. 400 words including captions)

1. Brief introduction of the data you are presenting. Begin with a concise introduction to the dataset you are working with. Provide context about its source, relevance, and any key attributes. (More than one data set can be used; most importantly that the datasets are complementing each other and together supporting the hypothesis you will be developing)

2. Create a minimum of two data visualizations that adhere to best practices for clarity and effectiveness. It is highly encouraged for high grades to also add a "ready made" third visual from Gap Minder or Our World in Data that would also support your hypothesis.

3. Ensure that your visualizations are well-labeled, appropriately scaled, and visually appealing.

4. Your visualizations should complement each other and should help you develop your hypothesis in part II of the assignment. Ensure a strong connection between your visuals and the well thought hypothesis you will develop. Get the instant assignment help.

5. Include figure captions. For each visualization, include descriptive figure captions. These captions should not only highlight essential elements within the figure but also provide a summary of the primary patterns or insights revealed by the visualization.

Part II: Hypothesis and Justification (approx. 200 words):

1. Describe your hypothesis. Clearly articulate your hypothesis, which should be based on the patterns and insights derived from your data visualizations. Explain the research question or idea you aim to explore through your hypothesis.

2. Explain how it builds on the data visualizations you present and any related readings.

3. Describe how your hypothesis is grounded in the data visualizations you presented in Part I. Discuss any relevant readings or prior research that influenced the development of your hypothesis. This is highly encouraged and expected for high grades.

4. Explain how your hypothesis can be tested. Provide specific predictions that can be measured using empirical evidence. Clarify the type of data or experiments required to support or refute your hypothesis.

5. Explain how the hypothesis is plausible. Discuss why your hypothesis is plausible based on your understanding of the dataset, the context, and any prior knowledge. Highlight any logical reasoning or assumptions that support the validity of your hypothesis.

Reference no: EM133811018

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