Which sentence is grammatically correct

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131636540

English Grammar

1.Select the sentence that is grammatically correct.
a) Their waiting for you
b) The students looked at their test scores
c) Their comes a time when one must choose between right and wrong
d) The patient told the nurse, "put the flowers on that table over their."

2. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
After the policeman had ran for several miles, he finally caught up with the man who had stolen the purse.
a) had ran
b) several miles
c) up with
d) who

3. The mailperson's job is to put the envelope's in every mailbox on the block
a) mailperson's
b) envelope's
c) every
d) block

4. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
I will call you when I will get back from visiting my sister
a) when
b) will get
c) visiting
d) my

5. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
Of the many people what she interviewed, she chose the one with the most experience
a) Of the
b) What
c) With
d) Experience

6. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
The team want to go to the next game early for tryouts.
a) Want
b) to go
c) game
d) early

7. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
Her asked her what would she do after she graduated from college
a) her
b) would she
c) do
d) from

8. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that makes the sentence grammatically correct.
A tuberculin skin test should be read within 24hours -------- administration.
a) from b) since c) as d) of

9. Which sentence is grammatically correct.
a) The team crowded around its coach to hear the latest play
b) The school board sat in its reserved blue seats in the rain
c) The opposing team's coaches used its last timeout third quarter
d) The crowd voiced their disapproval of the referee's call

10. Which phrase should be moved to the end of the sentence
The painter decided to use the urn as his subject with flowers on the table
a) The painter decided
b) the urn
c) as his subject
d) with flowers

11. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
The man's heart attack scared him badly and he decided having a regular check-up from then on
a) The man's b) badly c) having d) from

12. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
When you add sugar to it, your cup of coffee becomes not only sweet, also flattening
a) to b) cup of c) becomes d) also

13. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
Long before his death, Pablo Picasso had became one of the most important artist in history
a) Long before
b) had became
c) the most
d) also

14. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
The most important things in my life are making money, traveling and to live well
a) The most b) in c) are d) to live

15. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
Before his death at age 82, comedian Rodney's motto was, "I don't get no respect."
a) Before b) at c) was d) no

16. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
He had already finished studying at an university when he was called to join the army
a) had already b) studying c) an d) was called

17. Which sentence or phrase is grammatically correct.
a) The winner was him
b) The runner was her
c) It was me who lost
d) It was I who won

18. Which sentence is grammatically correct.
a) At who's house will the party be held
b) Who's book is that
c) I want to know who's to thank for the gift
d) Who's coming to the party

19. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
The car that he had seen at the ford dealer was the one that he final decided to buy
a) had seen
b) was
c) final
d) to buy

20. Which sentence or phrase is grammatically correct.
The student --------- for the final exam
a) was studying
b) studied hardly
c) didn't studied
d) would have study

21. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly.
The nurse's notes in the medical record indicate the patients pain was severe
a) nurse's b) notes c) patients d) was

22. Select the word that makes the sentence grammatically correct.
If they ---------that the weather was going to be so bad, they wouldn't have gone to the beach
a) had known b) known c) knew d) were knowing

23. Select the word or phrase in the sentence that is not used correctly
It seem like the sun never shines on Saturday
a) It b) seem c) never d) shines

24.Which sentence or phrase is grammatically correct.
a) Sarah plays her new saxophone well
b) The dog catches the frisbee good
c) The band that played before ours was well
d) The band did good during the half time show

25. --------- are a very ancient people
a) The Chinese
b) The Chineses
c) Chineses
d) Chinese

26. Which sentence or phrase is grammatically correct.
a) He did well on his diet
b) He done well on his diet
c) He did good on his diet
d) He done good on his diet

27. Which apostrophe is used correctly.
Because of staff change's, the list of birthday's was distributed to all worker's in the business'
a) change's
b) birthday's
c) worker's
d) business'

28.She went to the party....... her dislike for the host. Fill in the blank
a) Although b) Despite of c) In spite of d) Even though

29. Which word is wrong or incorrect? The salesman recommended that he keeps his receipt for at least a month.
a) recommended b) keeps c) receipt d) at least

30. Which is correct? children depend on their parents or children depend in their parents.

31. Select the sentence in which snakes is used as a verb.
a) The spy snake his way into the train
b) The car was snake over the across the road

Reference no: EM131636540

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