Which selection technique do you think is best suited

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13756328

You will research different selection and programming techniques and learn how to select the best technique for a given situation.

Research on the following:

Selection techniques
Programming techniques
Control structures

Imagine a scenario in which you are asked to create a menu-driven program in which certain tasks need to be performed based on the choices a user makes (1, 2, 3, and so on).

Based on your research and the task assigned in the scenario, answer the following questions:

Which selection technique do you think is best suited for such a program? Why?

Do you agree that all control structures are nothing but a form of the ''Go to'' statement? Why or why not? Justify your responses with reasons.

Is "Go to" a good programming technique? Why or why not?

Do you agree with the statement, "The 'do while' loop is enough to solve any problem that uses looping and no other repetition structure is required"? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM13756328

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