Which sections are included in the ucr

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131247005

Question 1. Which one of the following models of criminal justice in America explores the role of social class in the criminal justice system?

Select one:
a. the criminalization model
b. none of the above
c. all of the above
d. the President's Crime Commission model
e.Walker's wedding cake model

Question 2. The current _______ help(s) determine the nature of the law and therefore the definitions of crime.

Select one:
a. legal institution
b. inequalities
c. social order and the nature of this order
d. democratic principles

Question 3. The structuralistperspectivesuggests that law is the result of contradictions inherent in the capitalist system, which in turn create problems that even the ruling class cannot easily manipulate.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 4. In 2013, those under the age of 18 accounted for around ___% of all arrests.

Select one:
a. 10
b. 23
c. 46
d. 33

Question 5. Which one of the following models of criminal justice in America suggests that reentry (former prisoners sent back to prison) is frequently due to diminished opportunities resulting from social stigmatization and alienation?

Select one:
a. none of the above
b. Walker's wedding cake model
c.the President's Crime Commission model
d. the criminalization model
e. all of the above

Question 6. Individuals classified as organized crime perpetrators must belong to an organized crime family.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 7. The _____________________ challenges us to view the law and the legal order in a specific social and historical context.

Select one:
a. the consensus/pluralist model
b. the interest-group/conflict model
c. the critical model
d. the due process model

Question 8. There are nearly _____ police departments, ranging from small-town departments with one officer to large urban departments with over 1,000 officers

Select one:
a. 10,000
b. 20,000
c. 30,000
d. 15,000

Question 9. Administrative agencies have the authority to "create" crimes without direct legislative action.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 10. The majority of people arrested are arrested for Part I offenses.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 11. Which of the following is a public order offense?

Select one:
a. illegal gambling
b. burglary
c. robbery
d. insurance fraud

Question 12. _______________ consists of the rules and procedures that regulate relationships between individuals.

Select one:
a. Criminal law
b. Substantive law
c. Civil law
d. Procedural law
e. Constitutional law

Question 13. Which one of the following is NOT one of the major strengths of self-report surveys?

Select one:
a. Self-report surveys provide the research with options to probe deeply into a particular subject.
b. Self report surveys ensure that participants cannot exaggerate the answers to questions.
c. Self-report surveys allow researchers to determine biases in the criminal justice system.
d. Self-report surveys provide information on the proportion of offenders who committed a particular offense.

Question 14. At the very basic level, the criminal justice system derives its authority from

Select one:
a. the judicial branch of government
b. the executive branch of government
c. the U.S. Constitution
d. the legislative branch of government

Question 15. An arrest of a suspect means the perpetrator of the offense has been apprehended.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 16. Proactive duties include routine patrol in communities to identify potential criminal activities and to maintain order.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 17. At each stage of the criminal justice process, key decisions are made by agents of the state to either dismiss the case or process it further. As the degree of powerlessness of defendants increases, so does the probability of advancing further into the system.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 18. The poor, the young, ethnic minorities, and women have the least representation in both federal and state legislatures.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 19. The primary distinction between prisons and jails is that

Select one:
a. prisoners are kept in jail for shorter periods of time.
b. prisons serve better food.
c. jails are more safe for prisoners when compared to prisons.
d. jails are cheaper to operate than prisons.

Question 20. ________ is the crime most responsible for the introduction of the battered-person syndrome defense.

Select one:
a. Assault
b. Prostitution
c. Robbery
d. Burglary
e. Domestic violence

Question 21. Which of the following best describes the President's Commission model of criminal justice in America?

Select one:
a. It is a model that ignores the steps or stages criminal defendants must pass through during their journey through the criminal justice system.
b. It is a model that is sensitive to the social and economic class divisions in American society.
c. It is a model that emphasizes efficiency and cost-effectiveness rather than justice.
d. It is an outline for social justice in America.

Question 22. Which one of the following is NOT a mala in se offense?

Select one:
a. burglary
b. arson
c. prostitution
d. robbery
e. theft

Question 23. Which one of the following is not an element of the duress defense?

Select one:
a. Failure to comply would have resulted in serious bodily injury or death.
b. There was a threat by a third party.
c. The threat produced a reasonable fear in the defendant.
d. There was an opportunity to escape the duress without committing the crime.

Question 24. Unlike the classical school, positivism is not concerned with the control of crime; rather, it focuses on the melioration of the social conditions that foster crime.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 25. The United States has ___ major court systems.

Select one:
a. 2
b. 6
c. 4
d. 3

Question 26. A constitution regulates the organization, powers, and framework of government, as well as the relationship between the government and citizens. There is no requirement for the constitution to specify procedures for subsequent amendments to its own text.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 27. African Americans constitute around 12% of the U.S. population, and they account for nearly ____% of all arrests.

Select one:
a. 17
b. 58
c. 47
d. 39
e. 28

Question 28. Which sections are included in the UCR?

Select one:
a. I, II, IV
b. I, II, III
c. I, II, III, IV
d. I, II
e. III, IV

Question 29. The Gini Index of Inequality measures the level of inequality in a society. Which of the following is correct?

Select one:
a. The United States stands in the middle of all other industrialized nations when it comes to inequality.
b. European countries demonstrate higher levels of inequality compared to the United States.
c. The United States had the largest measurement of inequality among all industrialized nations.
d. The United States has improved its level of inequality over the past five years.

Question 30.  The wedding cake model of criminal justice in America tends to focus on the decisions of

Select one:
a. prosecutors.
b. all of the above.
c. a and c.
d. defense attorneys
e. judges.

Question 31. The greatest amount of police patrol occurs in middle-class and upper-middle-class neighborhoods.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 32. Which one of the following is a mala prohibita offense?

Select one:
a. murder
b. drug abuse
c. all of the above
d. incest
e. rape

Question 33. If someone wanted to know more about the dark figure of crime, which one of the following would most likely provide the best information?

Select one:
a. the National Incident-Based Reporting System
b. the Uniform Crime Report
c. the National Crime Victimization Survey
d. the FBI Index Crime List

Question 34. The authors suggest that the distortion of America's criminal justice system is a result of

Select one:
a. media reporting that tends to conceal the descriptions of violent criminals
b. everyone having an equal chance within the realm of criminal justice processing
c. the underreporting of crimes by the media
d. sensationalizing and overreporting crime, which elevates public fear

Question 35. Under the __________ Amendment, no person shall be "subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself."

Select one:

Question 36. Which of the following is NOT a test of mental capacity when the insanity defense is used?

Select one:
a. the Insanity Defense Reform Act passed by Congress in 1984
b. the "resistible impulse" test
c.the Model Penal Code rule
d.the M'Naghten rule
e.the Durham rule

Question 37. _________ means a "guilty mind."

Select one:
a.mens rea

Question 38. Which one of the following is NOT one of the primary criticisms of self-report surveys?

Select one:
a. Self-report surveys provide information on prevalence rates.
b. Self-report surveys usually ignore elite deviance.
c. They contain respondent issues such as lies, forgetfulness, and exaggeration.
d. Many self-report surveys do not use representative samples.

Question 39. What is the primary purpose of the appellate court system?

Select one:
a. It is where criminal trials occur.
b. It is where civil trials occur.
c. All of the above.
d. It is where appeals are heard.

Question 40. The notion that crime is actually created is reinforced by

Select one:
a. the legislative process of passing criminal laws.
b. statistical accounts of actual offenses committed.
c. psychological perceptions of the masses.
d. criminal behaviors among people in society.

Question 41. According to Richard Quinney, the criminal justice industrial complex is separated from the social industrial complex.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 42. _____ courts hear the bulk of civil and criminal cases in America.

Select one:
a. Federal
b. Civil
c. Appellate
d. State

Question 43. The _________ (including lawmaking bodies and agencies that enforce the law, such as the police, the courts, and penal systems) and other social institutions (e.g., education, politics) support and perpetuate the existing social

Select one:
a. legal institution
b. social order and the nature of this order
c. democratic principles
d. inequalities

Question 44. The Uniform Crime Report is a very reliable measure of crime data.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 45. Which one of the following models holds that laws reflect the will of the people?

Select one:
a. the consensus/pluralist model
b. the interest-group/conflict model
c. the due process model
d. the critical model

Question 46. The hallmark of Samuel Walker's "wedding cake" model of criminal justice is the general assumption that

Select one:
a.efficiency in the processing of criminal offenders is the key to a safe society.
b. criminal cases are usually handled similarly by the courts.
c. most felony cases are handled in the second and third tier of the model
d. there are three general tiers or "layers" of criminal processing.

Question 47. Other models of criminal justice begin with a crime being committed. The criminalization model of criminal justice begins with

Select one:
a. the family configuration.
b. the attitude of the criminal.
c. the nature of crime.
d. the political process.

Question 48. ____________ social control views the offender as a violator of a prohibition and subjects her or him to condemnation and punishment.

Select one:
a. Compensatory
b. Therapeutic
c. Conciliatory
d. Penal

Question 49. Today, most human behavior is regulated by rules that are unwritten or otherwise informally expressed.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 50. The majority of Americans are able to move upward from the social class from which they were born.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 51. Corporate violence involves direct harm to citizens.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 52. Which one of the following categories is not generally associated with state crime?

Select one:
a. colonization
b. torture
c. terrorism
d. war crimes
e. robbery

Question 53. Social structure includes all of the following EXCEPT

Select one:
a. education.
b. the individual.
c. the family.
d. the economy.
e. the law.

Question 54. The most commonly cited source of official crime statistics is the

Select one:
a. Federal Law Enforcement Statistics.
b. Uniform Crime Conviction Report.
c. FBI Criminal Statistics Report.
d. Uniform Crime Report.

Question 55. Which of the following are among the participants of the crime control industry?

Select one:
a. media outlets that depend on stories about crime and criminals
b. drug testing firms
c. all of the above
d. gun manufacturers
e. universities offering criminal justice degrees

Question 56. The legal concept describing the geographical area where the court has the power and authority to hear and determine judicial proceedings is called a

Select one:
a. locale.
b. setting.
c. jurisdiction.
d. region.

Question 57. ________________ defines specific prohibited behaviors and prescribes sanctions for those who commit the forbidden behaviors.

Select one:
a. Criminal law
b. Civil law
c. Constitutional law
d. Substantive law
e. Procedural law

Question 58. An overwhelming majority of Americans have participated in behaviors that could have resulted in some form of imprisonment.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Question 59. The __________ Amendment affords the accused "the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed."

Select one:

Question 60. The police are no better at clearing offenses than they were almost 30 years ago.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 61. Which of the following is NOT an index crime?

Select one:
a. robbery
b. larceny-theft
c. kidnapping
d. homicide
e. motor vehicle theft

Question 62. About half of criminal cases actually go to trial.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 63. Which of the following is a property offense?

Select one:
a. rape
b. insurance fraud
c. burglary
d. illegal gambling

Question 64. Which branch of government is responsible for writing laws?

Select one:
a. executive
b. constitutional
c. judicial
d. legislative

Question 65. Which one of the following statements validates the argument that the actual amount of crime in the United States is probably unknowable?

Select one:
a. All of the above.
b. Most crime remains hidden from official agencies.
c. All individuals would require 24-hour monitoring to know if they committed a crime or not.
d. Many of the acts prohibited by law lack a precise definition.

Question 66. While the Uniform Crime Report is not an accurate measure of crime in the United States, it does provide

Select one:
a. all of the above.
b. demographics of those arrested.
c. none of the above
d. an indication of police activity.
e. data on the types of offenses committed by those arrested.

Question 67. ________________ consists of a body of rules specifying the conditions required before, and the manner in which, the state may proceed against an alleged offender.

Select one:
a. Procedural law
b. Criminal law
c. Constitutional law
d. Substantive law
e. Civil law

Question 68. Which of the following is best described as "making a record of an arrest"?

Select one:

Question 69. Which of the following is a crime of violence offense?

Select one:
a. illegal gambling
b. insurance fraud
c. robbery
d. burglary

Question 70. Most jurisdictions allow voluntary intoxication as a defense for general intent crimes.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 71. Women account for about 24% of all arrests. Women are much more likely to be arrested for all of the following EXCEPT

Select one:
a. embezzlement
b. forgery
c. fraud
d. larceny theft
e. robbery

Question 72. Three significant factors encourage and reinforce an ideology that supports contemporary crime policies. Which of the following is NOT one of those factors?

Select one:
a. Crime policies create and maintain dangerous classes.
b. The criminalization process presents street crime as a threat to the moral order.
c. The criminal justice system is successful at rehabilitating offenders.
d. Lawmakers focus their attention on the crimes of the poor.

Question 73. What is the primary difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

Select one:
a. Felonies are punishable by more than one year in prison while misdemeanors are punishable by less than one year in jail.
b. Felonies involve physical harm to victims while misdemeanors do not.
c. Felonies are crimes against strangers while misdemeanors are crimes against relatives.
d. Felonies involve violent offenses while misdemeanors are property crimes.

Question 74. A judge has the authority to give a prisoner parole.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Question 75. The reality of crime usually parallels media and political scenarios of crime.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Reference no: EM131247005

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