Which racial groups are least segregated from one another

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM13967939

1st one:

Read the lecture "Measuring Racial Segregation in the Housing Market." Review the handouts on national and metro area trends in segregation.

Write a one-page reflection paper on the following questions:

What trends do you observe?

Which racial groups are most segregated from one another?

Which racial groups are least segregated from one another?

Which groups experienced the biggest change in their segregation over time?

What similarities do you notice among the regions that have the highest and lowest levels of segregation for each racial group?

2nd one:

write a 350 words

what role should housing planners take in remedying discrimination and racial segregation, if any?

Attachment:- logan_2011_metro_segregation.zip

Reference no: EM13967939

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