Reference no: EM131026703
Multiple Choice Quiz
1 The process of filtering information received by our senses refers to:
A) social identity.
B) projection.
C) selective attention.
D) stereotyping.
E) recency effect
2 Which process relies on mental models to fill in the missing pieces and make sense of our environment?
A) Selective attention
B) Perceptual grouping
C) Perception
D) Stereotyping
E) None of the above
3 Stereotyping is an extension of:
A) perceptual defence.
B) attribution theory.
C) social identity theory.
D) Johari Window.
E) Projection.
4 The greatest concern for organizations is that stereotyping lays the foundation for:
A) prejudice.
B) unbiased opinion.
C) fair and just behaviour.
D) equitable treatment.
E) None of the above.
5 Which process involves deciding whether an observed behaviour or event is largely caused by internal or external factors?
A) Personality
B) Attribution
C) Selective attention
D) Social identity
E) Self-fulfilling prophecy
6 The process which involves deciding whether an observed behaviour or event is largely caused by internal or external factors is known as:
A) extinction.
B) extroversion.
C) attribution.
D) introversion.
E) stereotyping.
7 Self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when our:
A) beliefs and attitudes make us think about people in a certain way.
B) co-workers put pressure on us to act a certain way.
C) beliefs about ourselves inhibit and prevent us from achieving our potential.
D) need to achieve is stronger than our need to be loved.
E) expectations about another person cause that person to act in a way that is consistent with those expectations.
8 Which of the following is NOT a part of the self-fulfilling prophecy process?
A) Expectations are formed
B) Behaviours toward the employee are demonstrated.
C) People and objects are organized into pre-conceived categories.
D) Supervisor's behaviour affects the employee.
E) Employee behaviour and performance are analyzed.
9 Four well-known perceptual errors in organizational settings include all, EXCEPT:
A) primacy.
B) recency.
C) halo.
D) self-efficacy.
E) projection bias.
10 Which of the following is NOT one of the windows in Johari's model of personal and interpersonal understanding?
A) Open area
B) Blind area
C) Congruent area
D) Hidden area
E) Unknown area
11 A relatively permanent change in behaviour (or behavioural tendency) that occurs as a result of a person's interaction with the environment is known as:
A) extinction.
B) learning.
C) job satisfaction.
D) feedback.
E) social responsibility.
12 Jane listens to her professor lecture on the topic of motivational rewards. She takes notes and lets John copy them. This type of information transfer is an example of:
A) tacit knowledge.
B) social responsibility.
C) feedback.
D) social responsibility.
E) explicit knowledge.
13 Tacit knowledge is mainly acquired:
A) through observation and experience.
B) through natural aptitude.
C) through lectures and reading.
D) by writing a series of final examinations.
E) genetically.
14 Behaviour modification mainly focuses on:
A) the environmental contingencies that precede and follow behaviour.
B) ways to increase tacit knowledge.
C) ways to make employees happier in their jobs.
D) ways to change employee attitudes.
E) the process of action learning.
15 The theory that proposes learning is completely dependent upon the environment is:
A) behaviour modification.
B) operant conditioning.
C) reinforcement theory.
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above.
16 Which of the following statements concerning the behaviour modification model is TRUE?
A) Behaviour modification is not dependent upon the environment.
B) The central objective of behaviour modification is to change behaviour (B) by managing antecedents (A) and consequences (C).
C) Behaviour modification is influenced by the organization's culture (C).
D) Behaviour modification emphasizes involuntary behaviours.
E) Behaviour modification is useful to change abilities (A) by influencing behaviours (B) and the organization's culture (C).
17 Promotions typically follow which of these schedules?
A) Variable interval
B) Fixed interval
C) Fixed ratio
D) Variable ratio
E) None of the above
18 Social learning theory explicitly includes which of the following concepts?
A) Behavioural modelling
B) Absorptive capacity
C) Action learning
D) Variable ratio scale
E) MARS model
19 Action learning involves employees in:
A) decision-making processes where they must take action.
B) stressful situations where they must decide which action must be taken.
C) real, complex and stressful problems.
D) role-playing which requires actions to be described.
E) outward bound activities where new ways of working together are developed.