Reference no: EM133422628
Questions: read the following below and answer these questions
1. What do you think are the important points from the reading?
2. Which points are most intriguing or persuasive to you? Why?
3. What news articles or stories have you seen this week that relate to the theoretical concepts in the reading? Give at least one example in your discussion. (Look one up if needed).
4. This question will be provided in class.
First outlined by James MacGregor Burns, during the late 1970's.
He compared traditional leadership, which he labeled as transactional, with a more "complex" and "potent" type of leadership he called transformational.
According to Burns, "The result of transforming leadership is a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents."
The Five Characteristics of Transformational Leadership: Creative
Transformational leaders are innovative and foresighted. They constantly challenge the status quo by seeking out new ideas, products, and ways of performing tasks.
Four Steps to the Creative Process:
1. Preparation- creativity often begins with a conscious attempt to define and solve a problem.
2. Incubation- during the incubation period, the conscious mind shifts to other interests and the subconscious has an opportunity to make new associations, which lead to creative problem solving.
3. Illumination -ideas may appear as sudden inspirations during the creative process.
4. Verification-can include writing poetry and novels, testing mathematical theorems, or checking with suppliers and running cost data.
The Five Characteristics of Transformational Leadership: Creative CONT
Becoming a Creative Leader:
Becoming a creative leader means thinking more creatively yourself, while at the same time helping followers develop their creative abilities.
Pay particular attention to the way you spend your time. Keep a daily log & ask yourself:
- Why am I doing this activity, and what would happen if it didn't exist?
- Is someone else doing this task?
- How and when did this practice come into being, and who started it?
- Can another person, department, or company do it faster, better, or more easily?