Which party did you think you most identified with

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Reference no: EM132257721

Program-Level Objectives met with this assignment:

Social Responsibility

Personal Responsibility


Critical Thinking Skills

Course-Level Objectives met with this assignment:

Describe state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government.

Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas.

Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Texas government.

Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties in Texas.

Analyze the state and local election process.

Identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Analyze issues, policies and political culture of Texas.

SLO #2: The 2018 Election Cycle in Texas. 70% of students will research the current candidates running for the various state offices. Once knowledgeable, they will analyze and evaluation the candidate's platforms. [SLO #2 fulfills the following Program Level Outcomes: Communication, Critical Thinking, Social and Personal Responsibility, as well as the following Course Level Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.]

Activity for Assessment:

Your Grade will be based on having the paper in the correct format

and, on the required length of the paper

and, on how well you answer Questions 1 thru 7 listed below:

For this assignment, we are going to focus in on the 2018 state elections, coming up very soon. You will need to do several things to complete this paper well:

1.) Take the political quiz to determine which political party you most align with,

2.) Research your home district to see who represents you, through the provided link,

3.) go to the other links provided for information regarding who is running for office and what their party affiliations are and party platforms,

4.) become knowledgeable about the candidates who have the potential of representing you (Governor, Lt. Governor, various state-wide offices, as well as more local candidates),

5.) provide information that would help you, as a voter or bystander, determine who would get your vote.

1.) Before you took the quiz, which party did you think you most identified with? Did the quiz results align with that perception? If no, why do you think that is?

2.) Who represents you? (I do not need, nor want your home address in the paper) Prior to researching this, were you aware of any of the politicians who represented you in any of the offices? Which ones and why?

3.) What are some of the biggest policy issues that are facing these candidates if they get elected or reelected?

4.) After researching the candidates for the various offices who represent you, what stands out to you are particularly good policies/platforms? Are there any policies/platforms that could make you inclined to vote for or against a candidate? Explain.

5.) Have you been following any of the campaign commercials and/or social media for these candidates? If so, what are your thoughts? Will you now start following your representatives on social media to keep up with them?

6.) What are the requirements to vote in Texas? When is the election? Are you eligible to vote and/or have you registered to vote if you are eligible? Why or why not?

7.) Overall, what did you learn from this assignment? If you are eligible to vote, will you vote in this upcoming election? Why or why not? (I am not asking who you will likely vote for. This can be a highly personal thing.)

Reference no: EM132257721

Questions Cloud

How did women experience postwar affluence : Explain the significance of suburbs for the development of the United States in the 1950s. How did women experience postwar affluence?
Why does obrien go to the rainy river : Why ultimately, does he decide not to escape to Canada? What is O'Brien trying to communicate when he writes: "I was a coward. I went to the war?"
Why is intervention in kuwait necessary : Which counties does Bush identify specifically as working closely with the United States? Why might he focus on these countries?
State how your topic fits into this years contest theme : Discuss the importance you your topic in history. Use this paragraph to stress to the judges why your topic is important.
Which party did you think you most identified with : Before you took the quiz, which party did you think you most identified with? Did the quiz results align with that perception? If no, why do you think that is?
Describe some of the techniques that spector developed : Your task is to first, list and describe some of the techniques that Spector developed, and how they affected the sound of his recordings.
Why did the united states go to war in iraq : Why did the United States go to war in Iraq? What criticisms emerged over the American conduct of war in Iraq?
What is the future of war likely to look like : What is the role of the conventional army in contemporary warfare? What is the future of war likely to look like?
Explain the rise of the populist party and its development : Explain the rise of the Populist Party and its development between 1890 and 1896. What accounted for the discontent?


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