Which part of the iterative design process do you create

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Reference no: EM131798374

Question 1 
In which part of the iterative design process do you create storyboards?
A. Planning
B. Design
C. Prototyping
D. Evaluation

Question 2 
If you are creating prototypes to test the steps that a customer will go through to complete a particular task, you should create __________ prototypes.
A. vertical
B. horizontal
C. medium-fidelity
D. progressive

Question 3 
During informal evaluations you are looking for __________ data.
A. statistical process
B. qualitative process
C. take-away
D. bottom line

Question 4 
Bottom line data is useful when studying:
A. qualitative aspects of the site.
B. occasional interactions with the site.
C. repetitive interactions with the site.
D. inconsistent interactions with the site.

Question 5 
Which of the following is NOT a document that should be produced during discovery?
A. Customer Analysis Document
B. Business Development Document
C. Specification Document
D. Implementation Document

Question 6 
Which phase produces a bug report?
A. Refinement
B. Exploration
C. Maintenance
D. Implementation

Question 7 
The unique promise of e-commerce web sites is to:
A. deliver a product.
B. make customer's lives easier.
C. take many forms of payment.
D. keep your items in a shopping cart.

Question 8 
For community conference web sites, their unique offering to the web is:
A. new products.
B. news.
C. specific information about individual companies.
D. an ongoing conversation with anyone, anywhere.

Question 9 
Which of the following genres of sites generally gets a high ranking on search engines?
A. Arts and entertainment sites
B. Web education sites
C. News mosaics sites
D. Grassroots information sites

Question 10 
In order for educational forums to be effective, they need to:
A. stimulate student's interest with real world problems.
B. communicate grading criteria.
C. relay basic class information about assignments.
D. meet cost criteria for implementation.

Question 11 
Intranets are designed to make __________ more productive.
A. customers
B. employees
C. the company web site
D. the company's assets

Question 12 
How do people subscribe to a blog?
A. Establish credibility
B. Use Digg.com
C. Through XML feeds
D. Pay money

Question 13 
Why would you allow comments on blogs?
A. To allow criticism
B. To allow spam bot robots
C. To build an interactive community
D. To make it personal

Question 14 
The main goal of a nonprofit web site is to provide access to information and:
A. increase site hits
B. build relationships with individuals.
C. sell products.
D. gain customers.

Question 15 
Which phase of the process is most time consuming and expensive?
A. Refinement
B. Exploration
C. Maintenance
D. Implementation

Question 16 
It is critical that an e-commerce web site have:
A. an upfront value statement.
B. a search option.
C. good prices.
D. a strong affiliate program.

Question 17 
How do you choose an evaluation technique?
A. Start with expert reviews
B. Start with informal evaluations
C. Start with formal evaluations
D. Use multiple techniques

Question 18 
During which phase should you determine goals for the web site?
A. Discovery
B. Exploration
C. Implementation
D. Maintenance

Question 19 
Which of the following would most likely be used for a high-fidelity prototype?
A. Sketches
B. A whiteboard
C. Post-it-notes
D. A Photoshop mockup

Question 20 
Heuristic testing should be done:
A. when you have a high fidelity HTML prototype of the site.
B. when you have a medium fidelity computer drawing of your site.
C. when you have your first concept sketched down on paper.
D. immediately.

Reference no: EM131798374

Questions Cloud

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