Which organizations do you most admire today

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131352700

Assignment Overview

An information system is an integrated mix of people, hardware, software, communications networks, and data resources that gather, process, and disseminate information to an organization. A system, in contrast, is a group of interrelated components forming a processing unit. Systems have three basic functions, input, processing, and output. Other characteristics include feedback and control. Depending on the system interface, the system can be open to interact with other systems in the environment, closed with self-interaction, or adaptive in order to survive. Module 1 introduces how information systems and technology have radically changed business.
This class uses the e-textbook Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technologyfrom FlatWorld Knowledge as well as supplementary materials from Laudon and Laudon Essentials of MIS from Pearson Education online, companion website. You can access Gallaugher's e-textbook through internal course links.

Case Assignment

Based on the assigned materials, write a paper answering the following questions.

How can an IT system initially help a company advance but later become a requirement for that business to stay competitive?

You may want to consider weaving all or some of the Case Learning Outcomes into your response by addressing the following:

- Describe how information technology (IT) has brought radical changes to industry and societies. This topic can be addressed by articulating how a company from the past executed business processes without Information Technology (and especially information systems/software), then talk about how a present company uses IT and complex software systems.

- Describe the concept of software total cost of ownership (TOC) and its association for investment decision making. In other words, how does a company figure out that investing in software will make it more efficient or more effective and then stay on the path?

- Review the software alternative of cloud computing. Why might it make sense not to host software applications locally? What benefits does cloud computing bring? What possible negative effects are there?

- What does it mean to be competitive? Explain how IT/information systems might make a company competitive.

What happens in companies that cause the mindset to change from implementing IT and especially software systems to become efficient, to believing that IT and information systems/software are "must-haves" to stay at par or get ahead of the competition?

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be short (3-4 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner: Take a definite stand on the issues and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the Background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.

You will be particularly assessed on:

- Precision: You see what the module is all about and structure your paper accordingly. You draw on a range of sources and establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. You carry out the exercise as assigned or carefully explain the limitations that prevented your completing some parts. (Running out of time isn't generally considered an adequate limitation).

- Support for assertions: You use examples, citations (especially from the required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. You provide evidence that you have read the required background materials.

- Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. You see what the module is all about and structure your paper accordingly.

- Critical thinking: The paper incorporates your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business and illustrates your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. It is important to read the "Required Reading" in the Background material plus other sources you find relevant.

- Breadth and depth: You provide informed commentary and analysis-simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper. The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning outcomes of the module.

In SLP 1, a timeline of information systems is reviewed to see the evolution of business applications and how information systems have expanded through the years.

In the 1960s, most systems were transaction processing systems (TPS)-record keeping, accounting, and other electronic data processing (EDP), such as payroll. In the 1970s, decision support systems were born to provide ad-hoc managerial support to decision making. In the 1980s, end-user computing became popular with application software packages to support job requirements and user productivity. Executive Information Systems (EIS) were created to give executives more analytical models for decision making. In the 1990s, strategic information systems (SIS) and knowledge-based systems became an integral part to serve managers and consultants with expert advice. Also, an important development was the introduction of the Internet, extranets, and intranets, changing the capabilities of electronic business and commerce. In the 21st century knowledge management systems (KM), business intelligence systems, and social media have been prevalent to increase the customer and business value to an organization. To appreciate information systems' contribution to organizations, the following lecture provides insight into how they are key to business operations.

For the Module 1 SLP your assignment is to answer the following questions after you have read all module materials.

Which organizations do you most admire today? How do these companies use information systems? Do you think technology gives them an advantage over rivals? Why or why not?

To answer the assignment questions above, please consider company types and the following guide to brainstorm the questions with the aim of providing substantive answers.

1. Describe companies that produce physical products such as cars, airplanes, clothing, furniture, etc., vs. companies that solely process information or transactions such as Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, etc. What do you think are the biggest differences between these companies? Discuss why you admire one type or another.

2. Describe how you think information systems are used in either type of company. Can you think of some common information systems that are necessary to either type, and different information systems that only one type or the other would have?

3. For the type of company that you selected, do you think technology gives them an advantage over rivals? Why or why not?
SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Answers to the questions and the accompanying explanation must be written in 2-3 pages (excluding cover and reference pages), double-spaced.

You will be particularly assessed on:

- Precision: You see what the module is all about and structure your paper accordingly. You draw on a range of sources and establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. You carry out the exercise as assigned or carefully explain the limitations that prevented your completing some parts. (Running out of time isn't generally considered an adequate limitation).

- Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. You see what the module is all about and structure your paper accordingly.

- Critical thinking: The paper incorporates your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business and illustrates your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. It is important to read the "Required Reading" in the Background material plus other sources you find relevant.

- Breadth and Depth: You provide informed commentary and analysis-simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper. The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning outcomes of the module.

Verified Expert

The solution files are in two word documents for case assignment and spl assignment. The case assignment is explained about the IT system initially help a company advance but later become a requirement for that business to stay competitive which consists of radical changes in the industry , toc and cloud computing with competitive advantages. This file contains the 1200 words with references. The second solution file is explained about the information system in Microsoft company and it has 950 words with references.

Reference no: EM131352700

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