Which organelle converts food into usable energy

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132203207

1)Which organelle converts food into usable energy for the cell?





2) A normal human male has:

46 chromosomes

23 Autosomes and 1 sex chromosome (y)

a haploid set of chromosomes in each cell two X chromosomes, one from mother and one from the father

3) The formula n + n --> 2n is used in describing

fertilization of an egg by a sperm to create a diploid offspring

combination of two sets of eggs to make a haploid gamete

combination of haploid zygotes

reduce the number of chromosomes in a cell from 46 to 23

4) In humans, a man with Blood type AB could be the father of:

An A, B, or O child but not AB

An A, B, or AB child but not O

Only an AB child

Only an O child

5) If a group of chromosomes fail to separate during Meiosis, what might be the result?

An abnormal number of chromosomes in the offspring

Sickle Cell Anemia

Cystic Fibrosis


6) A change to a woman's X chromosome isn't as difficult for her usually as it would be to her son because?

She has two X chromosomes

The son only gets one X chromosome from her, and a Y from the father

X and Y chromosomes do not contain the same types of genes

Her "normal" X chromosome might contain dominant forms of the faulty X genes

All of the above

7) In the "coin toss kids" activity, what was the name given by evolutionary and population biologists to describe what happens to genetic diversity when alot of individuals die off?

genetic bottleneck

Host-pathogen relationship


Gene Enhancing

Genetic Mutation

8) An enzyme's optimum temperature is:

always 37 C

always 23 C

where it works best

slightly above freezing

9) Finish the sentence: "A protein's ______ is determined by ________ ."

A.Function, Shape

B.Amino Acid Sequence, a gene

C.shape, amino acid sequence

D.All of the above

10) A typical enzyme in the human body has which optimum temperature?

42 C

23 C

37 C

95 C

11) A polypeptide is made up of:


B.Glycerols and Fatty Acids

C.Amino Acids

D.Only Carbon Atoms

12) A cell's main storage area:



C.Golgi apparatus


13) In our lab, the enzyme we used was _______________ and peroxide was the _______________.

Hemoglobin, Catalase

Active Site, Substrate

Catalase, Substrate

Catalase, Hemoglobin

14) Which are examples of proteins?

A.Hemoglobin and Glucose

B.Glucose and DNA

C.Hemoglobin and Melanin

D.Glucose and DNA

15) Which cell structure best corresponds with the "Manager's Office" in a business/factory analogy?



C.Endoplasmic Reticulum


16) Why does altering the pH of an enzyme's surroundings sometimes cause the activity of that enzyme to be changed?

strong acids can turn the protein into starch

adding "H+" or "OH - " particles can denature the protein's shape

acids and bases are neutral and will always improve the enzyme's effectivness

acids and bases tend to turn enzymes into harmless oxygen and water molecules.

17) An mRNA sequence CGA would code for which amino acid:





18) A gene is:

a segment of DNA that codes for a protein

a set of homologous chromosomes

a molecule within DNA

a type of pants

19) A body cell with a diploid number of chromosomes is said to be:





20) The number of chromosomes in human gametes is:

23 Pairs




21) The two men who established the structure of DNA were:

Frederick and Alvers

Watson and Crick

Berkely and Fry

Darwin and Lamarke

22) Which shows the correct sequence of phases of cell division?

Anaphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase

Synthesis, Cytokinesis, Anaphase, Telophase

Prophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

23) An advantage of sexual reproduction (for the species or population) is ______________ in offspring.



C.few numbers


24) Genetic drift may result from

A.isolation of species



D.mating between two species

25) Keeping lethal/harmful alleles in the gene pool results when the gene pair has

A.one recessive and one dominant gene

B.two recessive genes

C.two dominant genes

D.only one gene, not a pair.

Reference no: EM132203207

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