Reference no: EM133275524
39-year-old male patient presents in the progressive unit with a diagnosis of respiratory distress. Vital signs are as follows: P 87, RR 15, BP 124/52, O2 sat 92% on room air, Temp 37, Pain 7/10. The patient's EKG shows a normal sinus rhythm with occasional ectopy with movement. Head-to-toe assessment is as follows: neurologically oriented 4/4, PERLLA, respirations even and unlabored, clear breath sounds with incentive spirometer exercises measuring 1200mls, cardiac S1 and S2 heard, bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants, urine output in urinal measuring 800mls of clear urine, controlled movement in all 4 extremities, patient has been hesitant to get out of bed. Skin is warm and pink, edema noted on right leg with a hot red patch of skin in right popliteal fossa. 18 gauge IV in left AC that has been flushed with good blood return. Patient took all medications with water, nurse did not suspect aspiration.
Patient becomes agitated and starts kicking off the sheets. Vital signs are as follows: P 105, RR 18, BP 118/48, O2 95% on room air, Temp 37, pain 8/10. Patient states "I don't know what's wrong, I just want to go home".
The nurse has received the following orders.
Select which 2 orders are of the highest priority?
a. Give antibiotics
b. Educate patient on correct use of incentive spirometry
c. Bed rest to not disrupt thrombus
d. Place patient on telemetry
e. Take urine sample for culture and sensitivity for possible UTI
f. Administer TPA