Which one pharmacological treatment is most appropriate

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Reference no: EM133236060

Assignment - Psychopharmacology Helen Case Study Questions

Description - Case - Helen is a 45-year-old African American female who separated two months ago from her husband of 25 years after he had an extramarital affair. In addition to running the household and managing 18-year-old fraternal twins, she works part-time at a local dry cleaning business. Helen started experiencing increased anxiety, lack of ability to fall asleep, and daytime tiredness over the last three months. The symptoms have progressed over the last four weeks to increasing sadness, inappropriate guilt, poor appetite, and decreased energy levels. Helen is struggling to maintain her usual activities and is starting to feel that "life is not worth living," but she has not had any suicide ideation per se. Helen has no personal or family history of psychiatric illness. She uses alcohol once or twice a month but not to excess. Helen's medical history is significant for lower-extremity neuropathy of unknown origin.

Questions - Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.

Q1. Summarize the clinical case.

Q2. What is the DSM5 diagnosis? Identify the rationale for your diagnosis using the DSM5 diagnostic criteria.

Q3. According to the clinical guidelines, which one pharmacological treatment is most appropriate to prescribe? Include the medication name, dose, frequency and rationale for this treatment.

Q4. According to the clinical guidelines, which one non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? (exclude psychotherapy modalities)  Include the risk and benefits of the chosen rationale for this treatment.

Q5. Include an assessment of medication's appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence.

Q6. Use a local pharmacy to research the cost of the medication.

Reference no: EM133236060

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