Which one is not one of the elements of listening

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Reference no: EM131267048

1. The dark side of communication involves interactions that are:




All of the above

Question 2. Empathy is so important in communication because:

Knowing what others are feeling can allow us to control how they interpret our message

It improves the odds one will identify with others and understand their thoughts, feelings and overall mental states.

It builds alliances.

Communicating is all about exactly matching others' thoughts and feelings.

Question 3. We do all of the following with active-empathic listening, EXCEPT:

Listen from the speaker's point of view by putting ourselves in his/her shoes.

Lose our own identity and assume the identity of the other person to understand his/her point of view.

Respond to the speaker's feelings and needs.

Carefully listen for long enough to form a perspective before you respond.

Question 4. The text outlines five conflict styles. Ahlani is a strong-willed person who has high control needs and is self-centered. She is often heard in her group meetings cutting others off as they make comments, talking over some people, and strongly evaluating ideas presented by others in her group. Ahlani's conflict style is:





Question 5. Conflict management skills can be improved through:

Identifying and discouraging positive emotions

Identifying and discouraging positive emotions

Identifying and encouraging positive emotions

Identifying and encouraging all emotions, negative and positive

Question 6. Your friend Sean comes to you with a problem. He has come to work late three times in the last week and is afraid he will be fired. You told him he needs to wake earlier and then went and got him a bus schedule so he knows which bus to catch. This is an example of:

Action-facilitation support

Emotional intelligence

Allowing control


Question 7. _____________ is a positive way to maintain relationships and involves direct discussion about the relationship and self-disclosure.


Action Facilitation Support



Question 8. Those in long-distance relationships have lower quality relationships.



Question 9. Which one of the following is NOT one of the elements of listening?

Clearly hearing the message

Evaluating the message

Correctly interpreting the message

Responding if the message is important to you

Question 10. Listening is:

The process of physically hearing.

The process of physically hearing and determining if a reaction is necessary.

The psychological process of physically hearing, emotionally responding, and reacting verbally.

The psychological process of physically hearing, inter­preting, and, responding to ensure you get your way.

Reference no: EM131267048

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