Reference no: EM131804151
The Problem: The Case of the Sick Building
This week you received a memo from one of the members of the Human Resources Department. He suspects the aging building which houses your division is filled with mildew and other agents which cause respiratory distress.
These agents are circulated throughout the building and will cause more and more illnesses to occur. He recommends that this problem be quickly remedied.
While you sympathize with him, the changes he's suggesting will have to come from the money the company was holding in reserve for the next product launch. The company owns the building and the current market value is $2 million. While you have insurance, you also have a $250,000 deductible.
Thus, to "cure" the alleged "Sick Building Syndrome" you will have to spend $250,000 and the balance of the expense will come from insurance. If you do not fix the problem, it will continue to worsen.
Further, the Human Resources team has forwarded the following memo to you:
To: Human Resources
From: Marcus Keller
RE: Illness
This memo is to inform the members of the Executive Committee that I will be taking an extended leave of absence due to my acute respiratory problems. My doctor informs me that the symptoms and severity of the problems are likely due to "Sick Building Syndrome."
Marcus Keller
Currently, three people are sick. While the health care policy you provide for employees covers the expenses associated with the illness, your insurance premium is tied to the use of the policy. Thus, if people continue getting ill with a long-term illness, the cost of insurance will increase.
A)Core Virtues
Next, considering your options, which one best meets the requirements of the core virtues: integrity, courage, justice, and civility?
B)Unity of Life
Now, reflecting on the options, which one best meets the ethical actor's requirements for unity of life? Which one best exemplifies the standards of a life as a whole?
C)Core Commitments
Finally, consider which option is most consistent with the ethical actor's core commitments. Which option has the potential to energize and transform both the ethical actor and the community?