Which of trendline fits the data better and how can you tell

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131371366

Assignment: Regression Lines

Review the instructional video on how to use regression in Microsoft Excel.

Input your data into Microsoft Excel (data and years).

Create a scatter plot.

Insert a polynomial trendline with degree of 2. Make sure to show the equation and the R-square value. Also make sure you label each axis and give a title to your graph. Then repeat this process for a linear trendline in a new Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Answer the following questions in 175 to 260 words in the same Microsoft Excel worksheet as the graph:

• Which of the trendlines fits the data better? How can you tell?
• Compare and contrast the shape of the linear regression trendline with the shape of the quadratic.
• Which do you think will eventually grow faster? Thinking about the type of data you have, do you think your data will grow quickly over time?
• Which (lines or quadratics) has a minimum or maximum value? Thinking about the type of data you have, do you think your data has a minimum or maximum?

Reference no: EM131371366

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