Reference no: EM131103466
1. Which of these do you think contributes most significantly to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico:
A) disturbance of surface water from wind and storms,
B) high rates of photosynthesis by producers (phytoplankton) in spring,
C) die-off of goampam$
D) freshwater from the Mississippi leading to denser surface waters,
E) C and D are correct.
2. The average American's petroleum usage, if extrapolated to the entire global population, would be sustainable for approximately A)10, or fewer, B)100, C) 10,000, D) 1,000,000, E) 6,000,000,000 years.
3. Which is true about oil reserves available in ANWR: A) they will allow us to rely exclusively on domestic oil for 100 years; B) there is enough oil to allow us to reduce our daily consumption of imported oil by 50%, C) there is actually no extractable oil, D) we could use oil from ANWR to meet our oil needs for <5 years; E) B and D are correct.
4. The energy stored in fossil fuels originates from A) coal, B) the Earth's interior, C) nanoparticles, D) strong hydrogen bonds in rock matter, E) none of the above.
5. A surface with a high albedo can be expected to A) reflect very little solar radiation, B) reflect a high percentage of solar radiation that hits it, C) have, as a rule, no impact on climate, D) be very dark or very light (color doesn't matter), E) B and D.
6. Carbon footprints are A) an assessment of total land area needed to support your lifestyle, B) determined purely by gasoline consumption, C). iwystgaby recycling, D), based exclusively on household energy consumption, E). , and c.
7. Cold and salty water has a density than warm and fresher
wa, A) liigba B) lower, C) equivalent, D) less acute, E) all of the above
8. Heat capacity of ______is higher than that of ____
A) rock, water B) rock, sand, C) water, rock, D) rock, paper and scissors, E) heat, temperature
9. What does the following figure indicate?
A) CO2 levels have been highly variable through time, before humans,
B) projected rises in CO2 concentrations are much larger than natural variation during the past 400,000 y,
C) humans must have been alive and thriving 400,000 y ago,
D) scientists are better at measuring CO2 now than they were 250,000 y ago,
E) A and B are correct