Reference no: EM133625790
Assignment: Be an Advocate for Early Childhood
Purpose: There are many professional organizations that work toward the betterment of young children. The purpose is to compare and contrast professional organization in the field of early childhood education in key areas.
A. You are to select two organizations from the list:
1. Association for Children Education International
2. Council for Exceptional Children
3. Council for Professional Recognition
4. Defending the Early Years
5. Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children
6. National Association for Family Child Care
7. National Child Care Association
8. National Educational for Young Children
9. National Education Association (I WOULD PREFER TO PICK THIS ONE.)
10. National Head Start Association (I WOULD PREFER TO PICK THIS ONE.)
11. Zero to Three
B. Visit the websites, explore and summarize information about the following topics (in your own words)"
1. Mission or focus
2. Public policy & advocacy
3. Professional development opportunities (workshops, conferences)
4. Publications or journals
5. How to get involved
6. Membership fees
C. Create a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences of the two organizations.
D. Which of the two organizations would you be more likely to consider joining? Why?