Which of the two methods you believe is the most appropriate

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131384781

Short Research Paper

Thinking About Research Paper

Consider the research question and hypothesis you created, as well as the information you summarized in your literature review.

Write a 4- to 6-page paper that explains the most appropriate research methods for your chosen topic. Keep in mind the following guidelines:

• Identify at least two different research methods that could be used to investigate whether your hypothesis is accurate. You may wish to consider quantitative research, secondary data analysis, ethnographic studies, participant observation, or in-depth interviews.

• Evaluate the appropriateness of each by explaining their advantages and disadvantages.

• Explain which of the two methods you believe is the most appropriate.

• Explain specifically how you could use this method to study your research question.

Use APA writing style guidelines.

Include an APA-style formatted references page listing the articles you selected.

Hypothesis: Police departments nationwide need to change their mindsets and policies to attract the modern millennial police recruits today.

Attachment:- The_Modern_Millennial_Police_Recruit.rar

Reference no: EM131384781

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