Reference no: EM131864609
Answer each question with at least 250 words each. Two APA scholar references
o The White House. (2003). National strategy for the physical protection of critical infrastructure and key assets (pp. vii-xii; 1-33; 50-64; 74-77)
o Painter, W.L. (2017). Selected homeland security issues in the 115th Congress. Congressional Research Service (pp. 16-48)
o DHS. National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC) Web site
o Infragard (FBI-led public-private partnership) Web site
o American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). (2017). 2017 Infrastructure report card: America scores a D+
1.) Which of the TSA measures or programs for aviation security do you consider to be the most effective and beneficial? Which (if any) do you find ineffective or even objectionable? Explain.
2.) Regarding the overall Transportation sector, which mode (e.g., commercial aviation, general aviation, ports and maritime shipping, mass transit such as subways and buses, etc.) do you feel involves the highest threats, risks, and vulnerabilities, and why?
Create a table named faculty to store facultyid
: Create a table named Faculty to store FacultyID( Primary key), FirstName, LastName, Email, Date of birth and number of courses taught to date.
Explain your reflection regarding the article
: Article : Congress' budget deal affirms church access to FEMA disaster aid By S.A. Miller .Summarize the article. Do not use quotes. Only use your own words.
Describe the main function of emotions
: Describe the main function of emotions in conflict resolution activities. Provide a conflict example which supports how emotions help people adapt.
Describe an organizational change initiative
: Describe an organizational change initiative that you have experienced or researched (choose one). In what specific instances would that change initiative.
Which of the tsa measures or programs for aviation security
: Which of the TSA measures or programs for aviation security do you consider to be the most effective and beneficial?
Describe what is meant by human diversity
: Describe what is meant by human diversity, cultural diversity, and systems diversity, and provide an example of why each type of diversity needs to be managed.
Hydraulic cylinder piston diameter
: If the nitrogen pre charge pressure is 84 bars gage, find the size of the accumulator. The hydraulic cylinder piston diameter is 152 mm.
Calculate the charge gas pressure
: If the resulting pressure in the accumulator is 1000 psig, calculate the charge gas pressure.
Research mandatory reporting requirements for ems personnel
: What patient conditions, activities, or environmental findings are EMS personnel legally obligated to report in your state?