Which of the red flags that you identified would suggest

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132248235

Answer the following Questions:

Entrepreneurs often come up with new and exciting ideas; however not every idea is worth pursuing. It is important to determine if ideas are worth pursing before resources are spent on developing them.

For your discussion, what are some of the red flags that would suggest that the financial attractiveness of a proposed new venture is poor?

Which of the red flags that you identified would suggest that a proposed new venture isn't realistically feasible?

Reference no: EM132248235

Questions Cloud

Identify the warehouse that had the best results : Using the table provided for the units shipped and warehouse costs for all eight warehouses, identify the warehouse that had the best results.
Define how the knowledge or theories have been applied : How the knowledge, skills, or theories of this Stategic Management in Information Technology have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner.
How do people make decision about how to vote : How do people make a decision about how to vote? What kind of decisional biases might be relate to when people make a decision to vote or not to vote?
Expand the present operation by adding one new outlet : The owner of genuine subs, Inc hopes to expand the present operation by adding one new outlet. She has studied three locations.
Which of the red flags that you identified would suggest : For your discussion, what are some of the red flags that would suggest that the financial attractiveness of a proposed new venture is poor?
Describe most prominent signs that database attack occurred : Describe the most prominent signs that a database attack has occurred. Suggest the main steps that one would take to recover from such an attack.
Opportunity to analyze situations surrounding sale of goods : In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to analyze situations surrounding the sale of goods.
Briefly describe why you feel they are a competitor : Describe at least 3 companies you see as your main competitors and your plans to respond to their market presence.
New players with new ways of competing and doing business : Companies are buying one another, merging, and going out of business only to be replaced by new players with new ways of competing and doing business.


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