Which of the given is important to keep in mind

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Reference no: EM131943452

Questions: 1. In response to a mother's report that her daughter's no longer bringing her tea in the morning must mean her daughter does not love her, the therapist says: "Your daughter's bringing you tea fewer times a week may mean she is building friendships with girls her own age, which could be a sign she is making progress toward her goal of becoming more independent." What is the term to describe this?

a. Reframe

b. Paradox

c. Metacommunication

d. Attempted solution

2. According to the Satir growth model, there are five communication strategies for survival. Which of the following suggestions would be best for a therapist working with clients who have adapted the placator stance or role?

a. Encourage the client to take a firm stance from the onset of therapy.

b. Use less directive therapy methods, such as multiple choice questions and open-ended reflections, to require them to voice their opinion and take a stand.

c. Use therapeutic techniques, such as reflecting, to highlight hidden emotions.

d. Applaud the placator; after all, they can be the easiest people to get along with.

3. Nathan and Alexander, a couple who have been in a relationship for 7 years, complain of a lack of communication and a dissatisfying intimate life. Nathan says he wants more emotional and physical intimacy with Alexander, but that Alexander is happy with cuddling on the couch or doing activities such as gardening together. Alexander complains that their closeness is never enough for Nathan and that he often feels pressured to do more to make Nathan happy. David, a Bowenian therapist, might use which type of intervention with this couple to promote Nathan and Alexander differentiating more and taking responsibility for their individual needs?

a. Teaching each person to self-soothe rather than demand the other to change

b. Hugging to relax and working with the couple to be "seen" by the other

c. Creating a genogram to identify patterns and alternative ways for relating to each other

d. All of the above

4. When using CBFT with a diverse population, which of the following is important to keep in mind?

a. CBFT is a good fit with any cultural group because it focuses on thoughts and behaviors rather than emotion.

b. CBFT goals inherently conform to dominant cultural values; therefore, it is necessary to be culturally sensitive.

c. CBFT treatment goals outweigh religious, cultural, or socio-economic values.

d. CBFT therapists should not take an expert stance if the family is of a different cultural background.

5. A couple attends therapy with Julia, a solution-oriented therapist. The couple reports a very difficult relationship. They are always arguing, disagreeing, and separating. After a very intense first session, Julia says to the couple, "Between now and the next time we meet, I would like you to observe so you can describe to me what happens in your relationship you do not want to have changed by therapy." What kind of intervention is Julia using?

a. The miracle question

b. A formula first session task

c. Scaling questions

d. Compliments and encouragement

6. A client lives in daily fear of having another psychotic episode after not having one for over 10 years. She says that it is her illness that keeps her from moving forward in life. The therapist says, "That's interesting. You say you haven't had an episode in 10 years, so hallucinations don't seem to be plaguing you these days. It sounds like the worry about hallucinations is the problem at this point. Do you think of this as part of the original problem, or is it a new problem that only developed after the first was resolved?" What is the therapist doing with the client?

a. Mutual puzzling

b. Sharing inner dialogue

c. Making an appropriately unusual comment

d. Being public

7. MRI therapists view the problematic interactional sequences in families as families attempting to do which of the following?

a. Assert independence from each other

b. Destroy the family dynamics

c. Sabotage parent child relationships

d. Maintain family homeostasis

8. 1. Mikayla and Jenna have been married for six years. They have recently decided to try therapy because they find they argue incessantly and are drifting apart emotionally. They are no longer able to spend quality time together without fighting, and both would rather spend time with friends or by themselves than with each other. They state that their arguments tend to follow the same theme time after time, regardless of what they are fighting about. Mikayla sees Jenna as "overly emotional" and states that she always breaks down during their fights. Jenna states that Mikayla never tries to understand her, that she can't share her emotions and that she'd rather be "logical" all the time. From a structural viewpoint, how might you describe this relationship pattern?

a. The boundaries within their relationship are too diffuse.

b. The boundaries are rigid, and the couple doesn't want to change.

c. Complementary - their roles have become rigidly polarized.

d. Symmetrical- each partner tries to match the other's role.

9. From the narrative perspective, which of the following is TRUE about the view of problems?

a. Problems are integrated into the person.

b. Problems are separate from the person.

c. Problems require reframing of their context.

d. Problems allow the person to fully experience personal awareness.

10. Zena is a first year therapist using the Milan approach. She is working with a family in which the only child and the stay-at-home father have a very close bond or covert coalition. Zena instructs the parents to arrange to go on a date and not tell the child where they are going. This creates a secret between the parents to hopefully end the inappropriate coalition between the father and child. What type of intervention did Zena use?

a. Circular questions

b. Counterparadox

c. Ritual

d. Invariant prescription

11. Differentiation is one of the most useful concepts for understanding interpersonal relationships. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Differentiation refers to a person's ability to separate intrapersonal and interpersonal distress.

b. Differentiation is the ability to balance two life forces: the need for togetherness and the need for autonomy.

c. Differentiation is a lifelong journey that is colloquially referred to as "maturity" in the broadest sense.

d. All of the above

12. The CBFT therapist's problem analysis focuses on present day __________, __________, and __________ that make the situation a problem.

a. behaviors; emotions; thoughts

b. actions; reactivity; rationale

c. behaviors; actions; thoughts

d. actions; emotions; rationale

13. Which technique can best be used when asking a client to define their goals and rate their progress toward goals?

a. The miracle question

b. Scaling questions

c. Coping questions

d. Pre-suppositional questions

14. Why is using solution-oriented therapy appropriate when working with diverse populations?

a. The goal-setting process of solution-based therapies is a good fit for many ethnic groups because the goals are predefined by the theory.

b. Focusing on emotions rather than behavior is more comfortable to many ethnic minority groups.

c. The focus on solving problems from the past rather than the future makes sense to many ethnic minorities.

d. The solution-based viewing of behaviors in context allows for a more fair understanding of problem behaviors of marginalized populations.

15. Instead of replacing the problem story with a problem-free story, narrative therapists help their clients do which of the following?

a. Redefine the client's problems as opportunities

b. Help the client realize how others have "wronged" them

c. Find new ways to view, interact with, and respond to problems in their lives by redefining the role of problems

d. Speak their beliefs about the problem out loud, therefore realizing how absurd they are

16. In strategic therapy, directives are used to:

a. center the family on the intent of the session.

b. bring to the attention of an individual the repercussions of their actions.

c. complete a specific task, usually between sessions but sometimes within the session.

d. simulate a problem that the family is experiencing.

17. Which of the following statements is TRUE about postmodern therapies?

a. Postmodern therapies integrate consideration of cultural issues at the most fundamental level of their method.

b. They are often considered the quintessential approach for diverse populations.

c. Postmodern therapies are particularly suitable for clients from marginalized groups.

d. All of the above.

18. Intergenerational therapists focus on developing a therapeutic relationship that encourages all parties to further their differentiation process. What does this mean?

a. Intergenerational therapists believe that clients are in charge of the therapeutic process.

b. Intergenerational therapists believe that clients can only differentiate as much as their therapists have differentiated.

c. Intergenerational therapists believe that the differentiation of the client is the technique.

d. Intergenerational therapists believe that they must take sides with the most differentiated family member.

19. When working with survivors of sexual abuse and/or trauma, solution-based therapists honor the agency of the survivors. What does this mean?

a. Solution-based therapists insist the survivor share the details of their abuse.

b. Solution-based therapists take a more directive role in working with the survivor.

c. Solution-based therapists allow the client to decide whether or when to tell their abuse story.

d. Solution-based therapists determine the pacing of the therapy.

20. A narrative therapist is working with a 17-year-old client, Alexa, and her mother regarding Alexa's struggles with an eating disorder. As therapy has progressed, and the therapist has worked with Alexa to separate her from her problem, the therapist might phrase a middle-phase goal in therapy in which of the following ways?

a. Increase instances of defiance in response to anorexia's directions to not eat.

b. Increase food intake from less than one time daily to three times daily in six weeks.

c. Reduce the rigid patterns that fuel the anorexic behavior.

d. Reduce the negative contact between Alexa and the anorexia.

21. Similarly to the Satir model of family therapy, Whitaker's symbolic-experiential model focuses on family structure and which of the following?

a. Behavioral sequences

b. Cognitive processes

c. Emotional process

d. Structural sequences

22. More than many other family therapists, symbolic-experiential therapists focus on increasing the sense of family cohesion. Family cohesion is defined as which of the following?

a. The symbiotic relationship the family has in place for all to benefit

b. Clear communication patterns between generations

c. A strong sense of belonging, being loved, being wanted and loyalty

d. There is no clear definition since each family system is affected by different cultural and economic tendencies

23. A solution-oriented therapist asks a client, "Are there any times when the problem is less likely to occur or less severe? Are there places or times when the problem is not as bad?" What is the therapist looking for?

a. Exceptions

b. Example

c. Intensity

d. Initiation

24. What is meant by collaborative therapy as a two-way dialogical process?

a. The therapist and client co-explore and co-create new understanding related to the problem.

b. Therapists use scripted techniques to facilitate change.

c. Therapists interpret what the client is saying and reflect the interpretations back to the client.

d. The therapist directs the meaning-making process in therapy.

25. Minuchin describes three main phases of structural therapy. What are they?

a. Joining the family, mapping the structure, and transforming the structure

b. Boundary-making, establishing hierarchy, and creating subsystems

c. Joining the family, boundary-making, and creating subsystems

d. Mapping the structure, family reenactment, and processing outcome

26. The father of a family in therapy complains that his wife is so involved with their children - always running them back and forth to school, sports practices, dance recitals, and attending PTA meetings - that he never sees her. When he does see his wife, they fight. According to a Bowen intergenerational therapist, this might be considered a classic example of which of the following?

a. Differentiation

b. Emotional traiangle

c. Emotional cutoff

d. Regression

27. In the Gottman method of couples therapy, what role does the therapist have with his or her clients?

a. Coach

b. Observer

c. Peer

d. Partner

28. Narrative therapy is based on what premise?

a. We live in our dreams as if they are reality.

b. We get "stuck" in the past.

c. We project our past onto our future.

d. We "story" and create meaning of life events.

29. Alexis, a structural family therapist, had been working with a volatile couple in family therapy for a few months. During one session, she verbally questioned the assumption of the couple that it "is better for the children if we stayed married" to determine whether that belief was having the effect the couple thought it should. What intervention was Alexis using?

a. Boundary making

b. Challenging the family's worldview

c. Reframing

d. Unbalancing

30. In collaborative therapy, it is said that problems dissolve. What does this mean?

a. Participants in therapy find traditional solutions to their problems or issues during the course of therapy

b. Participants' understandings of their problems or issues evolve through the dialogue of therapy.

c. Participants no longer have problems or issues to discuss in therapy.

d. Participants do not hold on tightly to their problems or issues.

31. The concept of dichotomous thinking is a cognitive distortion defined by which of the following?

a. Going to extreme of either overemphasizing or underemphasizing based on the facts

b. Generalizing one or two incidents to make a broad, sweeping judgment about another's essential character

c. Focusing on one detail while ignoring the context and other obvious details

d. An all-or-nothing mentality: always/never, success/failure, or good/bad

32. Solution-based therapies are arguably the first and leading __________ therapies.

a. Short-term

b. Strength-based

c. Solution-based

d. Straight-laced

33. In solution-based therapies, what does it mean for the therapist to assume a position of a beginner's mind?

a. To meditate before bringing each client into session

b. To start at the very beginning of a client's story

c. To make no assumptions about a client's experiences

d. To reflect a blank slate to the client

34. The importance of making contact and establishing credibility with clients, according to the Satir model, can be established doing which of the following?

a. Using paradoxes in therapy

b. Asking family members to rearrange themselves in the therapy room

c. Sitting or standing at the same physical level so that eye contact is easy

d. Asking the family to engage in an enactment

35. According to Boszormenyi-Nagy, families use which system to maintain trustworthiness, fairness, and loyalty between family members (its breakdown results in individual and/or relational symptoms)?

a. Mechanical

b. Ethical

c. Electrical

d. Debt

36. Tess is working with a couple who has reported marital problems. She is working from a CBFT perspective and thinks that it would be helpful to have a detailed and accurate account of the problems the couple wants to work on. Tess asks the couple to log the frequency, duration, and severity of specific behavioral symptoms, such as their anger, outbursts, conflict, and social withdrawal. This is known as what type of assessment?

a. Neccessary intake procedures

b. Baseline functioning

c. Creating a contingent environment

d. Arbitrary inference

37. In collaborative therapy, therapists take a not knowing stance. What does this mean?

a. The therapist does not prepare for the session prior to meeting the client.

b. The therapist does not assume they understand the client's experience before the client tells them about it.

c. The therapist does not know how to make a diagnosis.

d. The therapist does not know what the outcome of therapy will be.

38. Solution-based therapists have been in the vanguard of a larger movement within mental health that emphasizes identifying and utilizing client __________ to promote better clinical outcomes.

a. Saviors

b. Solutions

c. Sorrow

d. Strengths

39. Sara is a solution-oriented therapist working with Bill and Gina (parents) and their two children, Jake (15) and Madison (9). The parents say Jake is increasingly hostile and won't listen to them. They feel like their family is falling apart. Jake refuses to participate in therapy. He says his parents are the ones with the problem and he doesn't think anything is wrong. Bill and Gina want Sara to have some individual sessions with Jake, saying they can't make a difference and that she needs to "fix him." What category describes Bill and Gina's motivation for change?

a. Customers

b. Visionaries

c. Complainants

d. Visitors

40. When a structural family therapist joins the family system, they are doing which of the following?

a. Becoming member of the family

b. Agreeing with the family

c. Accomodating the family's style

d. Processing the family's problems

Reference no: EM131943452

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