Reference no: EM13471885
1. List four most common police activities in each of the four different police roles described in the lecture material. (By role I refer back to proactive order maintenance and law enforcement and reactive order maintenance and law enforcement.)
a. Complete the above for police in general.
b. Complete the above for the police in the town where you live.
c. Complete the above for the New York Police Department.
d. Complete the above for the New Jersey State Police
2. Which of the four police roles do you believe involves the most police time and/or calls to the police. Answer the question for each of the four types of policing identified in question one. Reasons to support your opinion must be provided.
3. Which of the four police roles is the most difficult to perform. Responses should consider any aspect that you believe makes the police response difficult. Explain what you mean by difficult and explain why this activity is difficult as you define the term.
4. Which of the four police roles do you believe is the most dangerous for police. Specifically, analyzing the nature of the type of calls, which of the four activities is most likely to result in an injury or worse? Explain your answer.
Remember each question refers to each of the four types of police. For example, which role is the most dangerous for police in general, police in your town, in NYC and for the NJ State Police.
5. Which of the four types of police activity is most likely to be presented on the TV cop shows you've watched and which of the four types of police activity is most likely to be ignored or rarely shown on television cop shows? Give specific examples in your answer.