Which of the following phrases is an important verbal clue

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132307381

Part 1

1 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: "One very popular hobby" is rock collecting.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

2 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Some people "find their own rocks".
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

3 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Others "buy" their rocks in stores or at rock shows.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

4 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Rock collecting "can be" a lifelong hobby.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

5 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Rock "hounds" collect for profit and for pleasure.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

6 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: "Many rock hounds" collect fossils as well as minerals.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

7 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: "Some" of the most interesting fossils are the remains of animals called trilobites.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

8 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Trilobites "lived on the earth about 500 million years ago".
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

9 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Rock hounds "treasure rocks called geodes".
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

10 Question: Select the letter of the choice that identifies the function of the word or phrase in quotes in the following sentence: Minerals in the hollow part of a geode "can include" quartz, gypsum, or
even amethyst.
a. simple subject
b. simple predicate
c. complete subject
d. complete predicate

11 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Here is the equipment you need for rock collecting.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

12 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Wear safety goggles when chipping away at rocks.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

13 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: You need four other tools for collecting.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

14 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Use a hand lens for close examination of the rocks.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

15 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: In your pocket carry a paper bag for saving rocks.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

16 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Under the ground is a vast storehouse waiting for your discovery.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

17 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Among the most common rocks is granite.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

18 Question:  Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Every specimen you find should be labeled with the location, the date, and type of rock.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

19 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Polish your rocks with a rock tumbler.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

20 Question: Select the letter of the term that identifies the order in which the following sentence is written: Then stand back and admire your collection.
a. normal
b. inverted
c. command

21 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Most collectors consider fossils (priceless).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

22 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: They collect (fossils) wherever they go.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

23 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: A study of living plants is (essential) to understanding fossils.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

24 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Fossils are the (remains) of plants or animals that once lived.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

25 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Some rock hounds collect mineral (specimens) in abandoned mines.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

26 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Some collectors give (friends) their surplus mineral specimens.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjectiv

27 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Some people buy (themselves) additional mineral specimens.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

28 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Many collectors find geodes fascinating (rocks) for study.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

29 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Geodes are (rocks) with crystal-lined cavities.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

30 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: On the outside, geodes look (rough) and drab.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

31 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: A rock hound often shares his or her (excitement) in finding an unusual geode.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

32 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Rock collecting gives (collectors) much pleasure.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

33 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Many large cities host rock and mineral (shows) where collectors can purchase rocks of all sizes and prices.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

34 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence:
Novice collectors may find small rocks (inexpensive).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

35 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Mineral shows give the (novice) a place to see thousands of different rocks and minerals.
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

36 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Some exhibitors at the rock shows are professional (geologists).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

37 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Other exhibitors are industrial (chemists).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

38 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: Everyone considers rock shows fun and (educational).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

39 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: But rock lovers must be (responsible).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

40 Question: Select the letter of the term that correctly identifies the function of the word or phrase in parentheses in the following sentence: The world's supply of fossils and rocks is (limited).
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. object complement
d. predicate nominative
e. predicate adjective

Part 2

1 Question: Which of the following phrases is an important verbal clue?

a. "one reason"

b. "any questions?"

2 Question: Your active listening should focus on identifying main ideas and

a. nonverbal clues.

b. supporting details.

3 Question: Nonverbal clues provide information to the audience by

a. making the presentation more interesting and engaging for the listener.

b. conveying the speaker's opinion or indicating an important point.

4 Question: When you listen to a television commercial featuring a famous person, you should

a. associate the product with the celebrity and buy the product on that basis.

b. determine whether the commercial has presented enough evidence to support its claim.

5 Question: Evaluating information as you listen will help you

a. retain the information.

b. clear your mind of other concerns.

6 Question: Paying attention to radio and television commercials provides

a. the most accurate information on competing products.

b. practice in careful listening.

7 Question: Comments praising a product are called

a. verbal signals.

b. testimonials.

8 Question: An important listening skill is

a. clearing your mind of other concerns.

b. anticipating what the speaker will say.

9 Question: Your classroom listening skills should include

a. noticing verbal clues and identifying main ideas.

b. identifying main ideas and analyzing testimonials.

10 Question: Using good listening skills will help you

a. understand and retain what you hear.

b. associate products with appropriate celebrities.

11 Question: To enliven the stories you tell,

a. use transition words such as first, then, and next.

b. change your voice to portray different characters.

12 Question: The purpose of an announcement is

a. to provide brief information clearly and with all necessary details.

b. to entertain or convey a particular point.

13 Question: A discussion is usually

a. focused and directed.

b. informal and spontaneous.

14 Question: You can make both discussions and conversations more enjoyable by

a. first writing out everything you want to say.

b. letting others speak without interruption and taking turns speaking and listening.

15 Question: One method for making a speech more interesting is

a. to include unusual or intriguing details not known to the rest of the class.

b. to write out your speech word for word and read it.

16 Question: Presenting a speech from note cards helps you

a. narrow your topic.

b. sound natural and expressive.

17 Question: When working in small groups, the role of the recorder is

a. to keep the discussion focused.

b. to write down all ideas shared.

18 Question: To draw attention to important steps in a demonstration, you should

a. use transition words like first, then, and last.

b. vary the tone and volume of your voice.

19 Question: Before delivering a speech from note cards, it is a good idea to

a. number your note cards so you can keep them in order.

b. write out all you want to say on the cards.

20 Question: If people are leaning forward in their seats or asking each other questions while you are giving a speech, you should

a. speak up, ask if there is a sound problem, and repeat any points necessary.

b. consider speaking more quickly and vary the tone and volume of your voice.

Reference no: EM132307381

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