Which of the following is true about internal marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131442136

Question 1 : Which of the following techniques guides short-term marketing activities?

Strategic marketing plan

Annual marketing plan

Situation analysis

Positioning strategy

Question 2 : The results of the _____ provide the basis for selecting performance criteria and choosing relevant marketing metrics to assess actual performance against plans and tactical intent.

strategic marketing audit

integrated marketing communications

balanced scorecard

customer relationship analysis

Question 3 : Which of the following is true of a control-chart analysis?

It cannot be used to detect randomness in operating results.

Its control boundaries are set using historical data.

It can only be used to establish average and upper limits of the measure.

It can only be used to establish average and lower limits of the measure.

Question 4 : Which of the following is the initial step in setting up a strategic marketing evaluation program?

Obtaining and analyzing information for performance-gap identification

Selecting performance criteria and choosing relevant marketing metrics

Conducting strategic marketing audit

Assessing performance and taking necessary action

Question 5 : Which of the following is true about internal marketing?

It positions the marketing strategy in the customer marketplace.

It involves changing the attitudes and behavior of customers at key points of contact with employees.

It is aimed at the potential customers within the company.

It is targeted at particular market segments and niches.

Question 6 : The _____ indicates marketing objectives and the strategy and tactics for accomplishing the objectives, and guides implementation and control.

strategic marketing plan

traditional marketing design

integrated marketing communications

market positioning strategy

Question 7 : Which of the following marketing planning process dimensions is concerned with managerial perceptions, participation, and strategic assumptions?

Analytical process dimension

Cognitive process dimension

Organizational process dimension

Behavioral process dimension

Question 8 : The choice of the most relevant marketing metrics should be made in the light of the need to:

track performance relative to alliances.

track performance relative to suppliers.

track performance over investment capabilities.

measure performance relative to strategy.

Question 9 : Which of the following is the strategic marketing audit used for?

To translate broadly defined marketing strategy into very specific actions

To provide a means to link performance evaluation to strategy implementation

To ensure that activities in one area do not interfere with activities in another area

To initiate a formal strategic marketing planning program

Question 10 : Which of the following marketing planning process dimensions is concerned with techniques, procedures, systems, and planning models?

Analytical process dimension

Cognitiveprocess dimension

Organizational process dimension

Behavioral process dimension

Question 11 : Which of the following is a danger of using a marketing dashboard?

The dashboard contains metrics only relevant to assessing past performance.

The dashboard contains metrics which only give insight into present performance.

The dashboard contains metrics which only give insight into future developments.

The dash board contains only metrics related to the main business drivers.

Question 12 : _____ is a formalized management control system that implements a given business unit strategy by means of activities across four areas: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth (or innovation).


Internal strategy-organization fit

Strategic marketing audit

Balanced scorecard method

Question 13 : A _____ indicates when the process is experiencing normal variation and when the process is out of control.

data-control process

value chain analysis

BCG matrix

control-chart analysis

Question 14 : The _____ approach allows consideration of specific activities which will accomplish the objective, but also formally includes an assessment of the strategy component across all aspects of the business unit at the same time.

vertical assessment

balanced scorecard

strategic marketing audit


Question 15 : Which of the following is true about internal marketing?

It positions the marketing strategy in the customer marketplace.

Its goals include promoting the external marketing strategy.

It aims at providing superior external customer service to support internal strategy.

Its aim is to better align internal market objectives with external capabilities.

Reference no: EM131442136

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