Which of the following is not true about the udp header

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13945804

1. Which of the following is NOT true about the UDP header shown (in hexadecimal format): 06 32 00 0D 00 1C E2 17

A. The destination port is 13 (decimal).

B. All of the information given in the other answers is TRUE.

C. The destination client process is the daytime service.

D. The checksum for this UDP datagram has not been calculated and that field is not in use.

E. The source port for the datagram is 1586 (decimal).

2. A client uses UDP to send data to a server. The data payload is 26 bytes. Assuming no options, what is the percentage overhead considering both UDP and IP headers?

A. 25.0%

B. 43.5%

C. 23.5%

D. 51.8%

Reference no: EM13945804

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