Reference no: EM133354303
1. Which of the following statements about defences to the tort of defamation is TRUE?
a. The defence of privilege prevents people at the top of Canadian society from suing for defamation.
b. The defence of public interest responsible journalism may protect a journalist who reported on a story of public importance but got some facts wrong.
c. The defence of publication applies if the defendant's statement appeared in printed form.
d. The defence of justification is available if the defendant's statement was untrue, but the defendant believed that the statement would promote social justice.
2. Which of the following statements about the law of occupiers' liability is FALSE?
a. The rules on occupiers' liability vary from province to province, so a business owner should take care to know the details of the local law.
b. Trespassers have to accept the blame for any losses that they suffer. They consequently can never hold occupiers liable.
c. The common law rules on occupiers' liability have been changed by statute in many provinces.
d. The common law on occupiers' liability traditionally divided visitors into various categories, with different obligations for each category.
3. A customer walked into a grocery store and headed for the bakery department. On her way through the fruit aisle, she slipped on some grapes that had fallen on the floor. Her injuries required her to take time off work. A tort claim arising from this situation would likely be for
a. Nuisance.
b. Wrongful interference with an employment contract.
c. Workers' compensation.
d. Occupier's liability.
4. Acme Manufacturing Inc operates a factory near the Family Health Clinic. The health clinic has complained that the factory is causing a nuisance. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. The Family Health Clinic may receive damages, but courts never awarded injunctions for nuisances.
b. Acme can be held liable only if it intended to interfere with Family Health Clinic's use of its property.
c. Acme has a full defence if its factory was in operation before the Family Health Clinic moved into its current location.
d. The Family Health Clinic may win its case even if Acme's factory did not cause any physical damage.
5. Reptile Village is a tourist attraction that houses a number of exotic animals, including a fully grown crocodile. Sadly, the crocodile tunneled out of its enclosure and caused extensive damage at Premium Poultry Producers Corp, a nearby chicken farm. Premium Poultry claims that thousands of dollars' worth of chickens were either eaten or frightened to death during this incident. In this situation
a. Because crocodiles are so unusual in Canada, the owner is exempt from tort liability.
b. Rylands v Fletcher can be used only if Reptile Village and Premium Poultry owned neighbouring lands.
c. Reptile Village could be liable under Rylands v Fletcher only if it carelessly allowed the crocodile to escape.
d. Premium Poultry could rely on the rule in Rylands v Fletcher to launch a successful lawsuit against Reptile Village.
6. The defence of statutory authority
a. Is available only if the plaintiff's loss was the inevitable outcome of the statutorily authorized activity.
b. Is limited to the tort of occupier's liability.
c. Is available only if the defendant is a government organization.
d. Can prevent the court from granting an injunction, but has no impact on damages.