Which of following actions would most support self-advocacy

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Reference no: EM133571950

Question: Susan works at the local grocery store stocking shelves. She wants to learn how to operate the cash register and work as a cashier, but she does not know how to talk to her boss about it. You are not sure if this is a good idea because you know that the cashier shifts are longer and less flexible. You do not think the schedule change would work well for Susan. Which of the following actions would MOST support self-advocacy? You arrange a meeting with Susan and her employer so you can talk about the accommodations Susan would need to fill the cashier role. You help Susan plan out the steps of asking her boss for a meeting. You also help her type notes about what she wants to say in the meeting. You tell Susan you are excited to hear that she is pursuing her goals, and ask her to let you know the outcome of her discussion with her boss. You explain to Susan that the cashier schedule would be too hard for her. You ask her not to talk to her boss about a change.

Reference no: EM133571950

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