Which occupation would have the lowest occupational prestige

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Reference no: EM131486918

1. Race is a category of people who share the same cultural heritage. [T or F]

2. Social class influences people's personal tastes, preferences, and values; it shapes how they look at the world. [T or F]

3. Weber used the term "iron cage" to refer to mass scale incarceration. [T or F]

4. Herbert Spencer argued that social competition is absolutely necessary if societies are to achieve social progress. [T or F]

5. Travis Hirschi argued that it is obvious why so many people follow and obey the law (i.e. to avoid punishment); the real issue is why so many people sometimes break laws. [T or F]

6. Herbert Spencer argued that social inequality was wasteful, inefficient, and a serious barrier to social progress; to promote progress we need well-funded government welfare programs to help the poor. [T or F]

7. Social mobility is measured by calculating how much income (or wealth) is earned (or owned) by richer versus poorer households. [T or F]

8. While most people in large cosmopolitan networks are strangers, they are still linked to each other indirectly through chains of social relationships or associations. [T or F]

9. An important problem with UCR data is unreported crime; since certain types of crime are heavily underreported, UCR statistics systematically undercount some crimes. [T or F]

10. According to Conflict theory, social inequality results from more powerful groups "rigging" the rules of a society to favor themselves and disfavor less powerful groups. [T or F]

11. The same basic racial categories have been used across most cultures throughout recorded history; this is hardly surprising given that race is easy to define objectively based on obvious biological traits. [T or F]

12. One advantage to implicit association tests appears to be their ability to measure unconscious forms of prejudice. [T or F]

13. Inequality in terms of wealth is typically greater than inequality of income which, in turn, is greater than inequality of consumption. [T or F]

14. Durkheim argued that functional, well-organized societies would have no crime or deviance. [T or F]

15. Those who are rich, well respected, and politically powerful are the most likely to experience status inconsistency. [T or F]

16. Economic inequality in the U.S. appears to be rising in recent decades. [T or F]

17. Behavior that is deviant in one culture (or subculture) may not be considered deviant in others. [T or F]

18. Most people occupy multiple social statuses and perform multiple (associated) social roles. [T or F]

19. Social structures provide the broader social context in which social interactions occur. [T or F]

20. Davis and Moore's functionalist theory argued that inequality in pay is necessary to attract and motivate qualified employees for important organizational positions; without such inequalities, large complex organizations would quickly break down (causing numerous social problems in the process). [T or F]

21. Most crimes eventually result in an arrest and a conviction. [T or F]

22. What is or is not considered deviant is determined by how society reacts to particular behaviors. [T or F]

23. By definition, institutional discrimination is intentional. [T or F]

24. Prejudice is a matter of attitudes; discrimination is a matter of actual behavior. [T or F]

25. Implicit association research indicates that racial and ethnic prejudice is increasingly rare in the U.S.; by contrast, survey research shows a strong upward trend in racial prejudice over the past several decades. [T or F]

26. Karl Marx argued that Capitalist societies were organized to the benefit of the whole population; workers enjoyed rising living standards and greater freedom over time. [T or F]

27. People who occupy a similar position in a stratification system belong to the same social class. [T or F]

28. Social mobility is like a moving picture; social inequality is more like a still photograph. [T or F]

29. What is and is not considered deviant behavior often depends on who does it and in what situations. [T or F]

30. The gender gap in arrests for crimes like robbery and burglary are much greater than those for crimes like theft and embezzlement. [T or F]

31. Primary deviance occurs only after someone is labeled as a deviant or criminal. [T or F]

32. Gordon Allport argued that relations between groups would be better if these groups cooperated together to achieve common goals; likewise, he claimed that interactions in which individuals from different groups were treated as social equals would improve relations between them. [T or F]

33. Cesare Lombroso argued that crime and violence were rooted primarily in social causes (like poverty or inequality).[T or F]

34. The impact of racial or ethnic discrimination may be highly indirect or may occur only after long time lags. [T or F]

35. Structural mobility occurs when the upward mobility of some people is cancelled out by the downward mobility of other people. [T or F]

36. Self-report surveys ask people what crimes they have personally committed. [T or F]

37. Social structure tends to constrain how people interact in many situations. [T or F]

38. Race, ethnicity, gender, and age are all good examples of master statuses. [T or F]

39. A formal, impersonal group in which there is little social intimacy or mutual understanding is known as a secondary group; such groups usually focus on doing shared tasks or achieving common goals. [T or F]

40. Social structure refers to the properties of groups, organizations, or societies (as opposed to properties of individuals). [T or F]

41. Being born into slavery is a good example of an achieved status. [T or F]

42. Weber believed that rationalization would inevitably produce greater human freedom. [T or F]

43. Weber argued that bureaucracies were inherently irrational and inefficient. [T or F]

44. A position within a social system is called a social role; for example, the position of University President at a college is a good example of a social role. [T or F]

45. Gordon Allport rejected the claim that increased social contact between racial or ethnic groups would necessarily improve relations between them. [T or F]

46. Robert Merton argued that prejudice was the root cause of discrimination; bigoted individuals are the sole source of racial/ethnic discrimination. [T or F]

47. Realistic conflict theory argues that intergroup conflict is rooted in competition over scarce resources. [T or F]

48. Which of the following is NOT consistent with Weber's ideal bureaucracy?
a. Hierarchical structure
b. Written rules and policies
c. Flexible, decentralized decision-making
d. Employment based on technical qualifications

49. Social control refers to behaviors, which violate social rules, norms, or laws. [T or F]

50. Some groups have more influence than others in terms of determining what acts are treated as deviant or treated as normal. [T or F]

51. In recent decades, the share of wealth owned by older Americans has been rapidly decreasing. [T or F]

52. The idea that recent immigrants into the U.S. should be "Americanized" (i.e. learn English, adopt American culture, etc.) is most consistent with:
a. Assimilation
b. Segregation
c. Pluralism

53. Which occupation would have the lowest occupational prestige?
a. Dentist
b. Veterinarian
c. Police detective
d. Waiter
e. Architect

54. Charlie claims that people who hang around with criminals and deviants are much more likely to become deviants themselves (compared to those with more law abiding friends). His argument is most consistent with _________ theory.
a. Conflict
b. Labeling
c. Social control
d. Differential association
e. Social disorganization

55. Which of the following groups is not a good example of a racial group?
a. Hispanics
b. Asians
c. Native Americans
d. African Americans

56. Willie is a High School dropout who struggles to find part-time, minimum wage work; he believes his troubles are rooted in the way the larger Capitalist system works (i.e. exploitation, social injustice, etc.). From a Marxist perspective, his attitude illustrates:
a. Achieved status
b. Ascribed status
c. Downward social mobility
d. False consciousness
e. Class consciousness

57. In a sociogram, nodes represent _________ and connections or links represent _________.
a. Statuses; roles
b. Roles; statuses
c. People; relationships
d. Relationships; people

58. Suppose an Anthropologist later becomes a Sociologist; this occupational change illustrates ________ mobility.
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Intergenerational
d. Structural
e. Exchange

59. Which of the following is not a good example of a group (as sociologists use the term)?
a. A college fraternity
b. A girl scout troop
c. People standing in line at the grocery store
d. A football team

60. Billy is a High School dropout who struggles to find part-time, minimum wage work; he believes that he just needs to work harder, stay out of trouble, and his fortunes will soon improve. From a Marxist perspective, his attitude illustrates:
a. Achieved status
b. Ascribed status
c. Upward social mobility
d. False consciousness
e. Class consciousness

61. Yan argues that arresting and incarcerating delinquents just turns them into hardened criminals. Her argument is most consistent with ________ theory.
a. Social disorganization
b. Labeling
c. Social control
d. Conflict
e. Differential association

62. Which of the following is a good example of social structure?
a. Social norms
b. Social networks
c. Social values
d. All of the above
63. Suppose a short-order cook becomes a Certified Public Accountant (CPA); this occupational change is a good example of _______ mobility.
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Intergenerational
d. Downward

64. Using Merton's typology, highly organized (and profitable) illegal drug distribution is most closely associated with:
a. Conformity
b. Rebellion
c. Retreatism
d. Innovation
e. Ritualism

65. Social structure is to social interaction as ___________ is to ___________.
a. Fast; slow
b. Macro; micro
c. Cause; effect
d. Hot; cold

66. Being suspended from school is a good example of a(n)
a. Formal social norm
b. Informal social norm
c. Formal sanction
d. Informal sanction

67. Sociologist Herbert Gans has argued that large segments of society actually benefit from the existence of poverty. His position is most consistent with which major sociological position?
a. Functionalism
b. Conflict theory
c. Interactionism

68. Which of the following is a good example of social interaction?
a. Children playing together
b. Lovers having an argument
c. An office meeting
d. A birthday party
e. All of the above

69. Susan Olzak argued that past racist violence against African Americans in the U.S. was rooted in:
a. Competition between white and black workers over jobs
b. Competition between domestic and immigrant white workers over jobs
c. Status inequality
d. Institutional racism

70. Which of the following is not a good example of a sanction?
a. Incarceration
b. Fine or other economic penalty
c. Public ridicule
d. Rewards for good behavior
e. A social norm

71. Using Merton's typology, which of the following would be associated with very low rates of crime and violence?
a. Conformity
b. Retreatism
c. Rebellion
d. Innovation

72. Shelly argues that neighborhoods with weak social ties and norms and dysfunctional social institutions tend to suffer high rates of crime (compared to better neighborhoods). Her argument is most consistent with ___________ theory.
a. Conflict
b. Labeling
c. Social disorganization
d. Biosocial
e. Differential association

73. Most ordinary street crimes
a. Provide immediate gratification or rewards.
b. Are carefully planned.
c. Require specialized skills or knowledge.
d. Are very profitable.

74. Which of the following is most consistent with Durkheim's views on deviance?
a. It discourages social change
b. Social responses against it clarify moral boundaries
c. It decreases social solidarity/cohesion
d. The existence of deviance harms society
e. It undermines cultural values and norms

75. According to your text, intergroup relations form a spectrum from less positive to more positive. Which of the following is the least positive (or tolerant) of intergroup relations?
a. Amalgamation
b. Assimilation
c. Segregation
d. Pluralism

76. As applied to race and ethnicity, labeling theory would emphasize
a. Mutually beneficial cooperation between racial/ethnic groups
b. Exploitation of minorities
c. Racial/ethnic stereotyping or racial profiling
d. All of the above

77. In Hirschi's social control theory, ________ refers to having personal relationships with law abiding people.
a. Attachments
b. Commitments
c. Involvements
d. Belief

78. Using Merton's typology, violence by terrorists or revolutionaries would best be described as:
a. Conformist
b. Ritualists
c. Innovators
d. Retreatists
e. Rebellion

79. Tyler argues that people with closer ties or bonds to conventional, mainstream society have more to lose by breaking the law, and therefore are less prone to criminality compared to those with weaker bonds or ties. His view is most consistent with _________ theory.
a. Biosocial
b. Social control
c. Conflict
d. Differential association
e. Labeling

80. Mary argues that crime is just a natural response to the frustrations of the underprivileged and powerless; the root cause of crime is poverty, inequality, and social injustice. Her position is most consistent with ________ theory.
a. Conflict
b. Labeling
c. Social disorganization
d. Differential association
e. Social control

Reference no: EM131486918

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