Which motivational theory provides the biggest justification

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131883103

Problem: Management Team Decision

Mining Human Capital Labor is probably the single largest expense of any business.110 According to some estimates, labor costs average about 60 percent of sales. In addition to salaries, labor costs include health insurance, paid time off, child-care benefi ts, tuition reimbursements, and any number of other programs designed to extrinsically motivate the work force. Many companies offer the same types of benefi ts across their organizations without knowing whether the benefi ts really motivate employees at all. In other words, companies often don't know what return they are getting on their labor investment. The same is true where you work. As you head back to your desk from a meeting on cafeteria-style benefi t plans, your boss intercepts you and says she wants to talk with you about cutting labor costs. As she plops into your side chair, she is already describing a new type of software that applies data-mining technology to employee information to determine what is the best motivator. "We can get rid of one-size-fi ts-all benefi t programs and tailor the benefi ts to each employee.

This software lets you slice and dice employee data, like age, seniority, education, commute time, residential ZIP code, even the age and condition of the person's office," she says. "We could fi nd out if we could pay someone, say, 20 percent less if we gave a 3-month sabbatical every couple of years. Or we could predict the reaction of certain employees if we cut our 401(k) match. Maybe that's not as important to everyone as we think. We could find out who would quit if we did that and who couldn't care less. Basically, we could find out what incentives would spike productivity the most with each employee, and that way we could cut costs without sabotaging morale. It would reduce the guesswork of rewarding our employees. Here is some literature on the various programs. I'd like your team to draft a recommendation to top management by next Monday. I'm really excited about this." She leaves a small stack of brochures on your desk corner and leaves your office. All you can do is wonder, "What will the employees think of this idea?" Assemble a team of three to four students to review the issue of mining human resource data for information to help you customize incentives.

Questions: 1. Which motivational theory provides the biggest justification for employee data mining? Explain.

2. Does employee data mining violate any of the motivational theories? If so, which ones and how?

3. Will your team recommend mining employee data or, despite your boss's enthusiasm, will you present reasons not to begin mining employee data? Explain your choice, using the motivational theories in the chapter as support for your recommendation.

Reference no: EM131883103

Questions Cloud

What are the postmodern elements in pulp fiction : Compare to the Godfather. Both are gangster films but one is more postmodern and the other is more traditional. Be specific.
Does your company use web conferencing software : If so, which software and how often? If not, would your company benefit from using this technology? Also provide a reference to cite your answer.
What powers does a president have to influence the economy : What powers does a president have to influence the economy? Illustrate these powers with a news article from the last four months.
What the world economy would look like without reinsurance : A World Without Reinsurance - Discuss (and in your classmate response posts, debate) what the world economy would look like without reinsurance
Which motivational theory provides the biggest justification : This software lets you slice and dice employee data, like age, seniority, education, commute time, residential ZIP code, even the age and condition.
How does spus vision align with your desires for college : How does SPU's vision align with your desires for college? How does your own faith perspective or personal story intersect with SPU's vision?
Describe a time when a faculty member set that boundary : Do you agree with the authors that faculty members have an obligation to model the boundaries expected of clients in their relationships with students?
What is one question you have after viewing the given film : What is one question you have after viewing this film? Was there anything that you saw or heard in the film that was unconvincing or which seemed out of place?
How would you describe your work : Conduct interviews. Outside of class each student should complete their assigned interviews. Inform the potential interview that you are interested in talking.


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