Which might be most effective in treating farids condition

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Reference no: EM133500429



Read the following case study and respond to the questions below:

Farid was a 26-year-old, single, Arab American male who was mandated for assessment by the court system following his arrest for assault and battery of his girlfriend. During his initial interview he acknowledged assaulting her, stating that he became angry with her for "nagging" him about his drinking and marijuana use; however, he did not elaborate on how much or how frequently he uses these. He reported that for many years he has frequently felt irritable and angry at others, often for no apparent reason. He also noted that he tends to feel "on edge" and uncomfortable around other people.

Farid reported that his parents divorced when he was 16 and described his parents' marriage as highly volatile, stating that his father often drank heavily and was verbally and physically abusive. He recalled several instances in which he tried to defend his mother by attempting to restrain his father, only to be severely beaten by his father. He stated that, to this day, he experiences intrusive memories of his father's abuse, also noting difficulty sleeping because of such memories and frequent nightmares.

Farid also reported that he was often the target of racism when he was in high school. He attended a public high school in a largely white, middle-class community, and was the only Arab American and Muslim in his school. He was frequently bullied and called racial slurs by some of his white peers. On one occasion, he was beaten up in the locker room. On another occasion, his parents' home was vandalized with spray painting that said "Go back home" (despite his family having been in the U.S. for three generations). He decided to drop out of high school largely because of this. He also said he often worries about others and how they might treat him (especially white people) because of his experiences with racism, and acknowledged continuing to experience frequent racism since leaving high school.


  1. Which of the disorders described in Module 5 does Farid seem to show the most evidence of and why?
  2. Describe how biological, psychological, social, and/or socio-cultural factors that may be contributing to Farid's current problems.
  3. Discuss which treatments might be most effective in treating Farid's condition.

Reference no: EM133500429

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