Which methodologies did they use

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131600913

Questions 1:

Give two or three good examples of marketing research from your organization (I will give you the orgnization's name once we handshake and agree). Which methodologies did they use? How could you use that information?

Question 2:

Apply Porter's forces to the industry you are following. Analyze, with some depth, these five forces as far as your industry goes. (Again, the industry will be disclosed once we handshake).

2 of the following questions need to be done in 2 hours.

- Both questions need to be detailed (at least 3 paragraphs).

- Only use U.S websites. It won't be hard to find and use on the industry for thsee 2 questions.

-Will be checking for plagiarism.

Reference no: EM131600913

Questions Cloud

Extended period of political and economic uncertainty : What countries, regions, and asset classes could John expect to survive this extended period of political and economic uncertainty?
Living change during the last recession : How did GDP, unemployment, and the cost of living change during the last recession? Be sure to provide aggregate statistics from the appropriate government.
What is the implied rate of interest : Suppose you are offered an investment that will allow you to double your money in 6 years. What is the implied rate of interest?
What is meant by accumulated other comprehensive loss : Explain why the common stock is classified as part of the stockholders' equity. Explain what is meant by "Accumulated other comprehensive loss."
Which methodologies did they use : Give two or three good examples of marketing research from your organization (I will give you the orgnization's name once we handshake and agree).
Yield to call and realized rates of return : Compute realized rate of return for investors who purchased the bonds when they were issued and who surrender them today in exchange for the call price.
Discuss what are the ethical and personal dilemmas : What are the ethical and personal dilemmas an officer might face as they participate in work job action
Producing a product in a specific market structure : Assume you are the manager of a firm producing a product in a specific market structure. Provide the following information:
Do the benefits of medical marijuana justify its legality : To begin,you will need to select a topic.Your topic can be one that is debated on a national level or a smaller, more local issue of concern.


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