Which may affect their conceptualization of patients problem

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM133547321

Discussion Post

Examine your colleague's initial post, and formulate a possible response. Research a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles that support the views presented in your response. Compose a response that uses a sociocultural perspective to assess the validity of your colleague's observation and his or her proposed direction of treatment.

Outline any biases or prejudicial views you observe in your colleague's post which may affect their conceptualization of the patient's problems. Remember that your colleague is being open and honest regarding his or her personal views; therefore, your task is to provide persuasive information to encourage your colleague to adopt a view that is supported by peer-reviewed literature. Pay close attention to the tone of your response to ensure your colleague will not become defensive when reading it. Be sure to use at least two peer-reviewed sources to support your statements.

Reference no: EM133547321

Questions Cloud

Describes in detail how they fit together or contrast : Completely synthesizes ideas, describes in detail how they fit together or contrast. Key terms and associated pieces are clearly and accurately defined.
Child abuse and protection : Child abuse and protection. History of social welfare policy in this area;
Siblings influenced by the alcohol abuse of parents : Why are some siblings influenced by the alcohol abuse of parents, such as observing a father coming home drunk and drinking even more alcohol at home
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trade unions : GHL5018 Employment Relations, Cardiff Metropolitan University - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trade unions in the context of globalization
Which may affect their conceptualization of patients problem : Outline any biases or prejudicial views you observe in your colleague's post which may affect their conceptualization of the patient's problems.
Describe the research method that was used to attack : State the problem. Is the problem clearly stated? Does the problem have a theoretical rational? How significant is the problem studied in the research?
How emotional intelligence help you overcome life challenges : In what EI domain is your highest score? How can emotional intelligence help you overcome life challenges and achieve your goals?
Considering these developments, should there be more : Considering these developments, should there be more formalized incentives or regulations to encourage businesses, both large corporations and smaller
Discuss the independent variable in the study is flipping : Discuss the independent variable in this study is the flipping of the coin, and the dependent variable is the number of times a head or a tail appears.


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