Which lists indicators that a company need processing system

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133518832

Problem: Summative Assessment- Mar-Bal's New ERP System Case Study

Write a 90 to 175 words response for each of the four questions on pages 156-157. For Question #1, list each of the 14 items from Figure 5-10 and then give a specific example from the Mar-Bal case study for each one individually in your own words. For Question #2, list each of the 7 items from Figure 5-9 and give a specific example from the Mar-Bal case study for each one individually in your own words. HINT: For Questions #1 and #2, the majority of items have specific case study examples. There are very few N/As. Then answer questions #3 and #4.

Review the items in Figure 5-10, which lists indicators that a company may need a new or upgraded processing system. For each item, provide a specific example from the case description. If the case does not address a particular item or it does not seem to apply, simply state "NA."Review the items listed in Figure 5-9, which lists possible measures of the value of an ERP. For each item, provide a specific example from the case description. If the case does not address a particular item or it does not seem to apply, simply state "NA."What are some of the intangible benefits Mar-Bal appears to enjoy from its new ERP system? Create a list with brief explanations. Mal-Bar's case does not explicitly address the issue of BPR that often happens when organizations install new ERP systems. Would you guess that none took place, or would you argue the opposite? Defend your answer.

Reference no: EM133518832

Questions Cloud

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