Reference no: EM132087181
During Week 5, using your actual scores for Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 and your forecast values, calculate a regression equation, r, and R2 for this data. What data did you use in your regression equation?
The data is as follows: each discussion grade is worth a maximum of 15 points a piece, with two discussions being conducted each week. Each homework assignment is a maximum of 35 points each week. In all 4 weeks the maximum points were earned for the discussions and the following homework assignments grades were 34, 35, 33 and 30.
1. Which is the independent and dependent variable?
2. What is the regression equation, r, and R2 for your data?
3. Statistically, what does r and R2 tell you?
4. Based on your empirical evidence, how who well did you forecast your results? Justify your response.
If you require additional data, please list what you need in your comment.
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