Which is not good practice while designing questions

Assignment Help Financial Accounting
Reference no: EM132609110

Question 1: Hannah Williams is designing a data-gathering instrument for collecting information to establish the client's goals and objectives. Which of the following is NOT good practice while designing questions for this instrument?

A. Keep the questions simple and easy to answer

B. Use a multiple choice or true-false design of the questions for factual information or where appropriate

C. Use highly technical financial terms in questions for ensuring accuracy

D. Use specific questions for reflecting client's true position

Reference no: EM132609110

Questions Cloud

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Identify and discuss the factors or issues : Identify and discuss the factors or issues that you would consider when you assess the risk of material misstatements. Explain briefly
Describe two it governance frameworks : Describe two IT Governance Frameworks. Out of the ten IT Governance principles, which do you consider the top three in importance and why?
Which is not good practice while designing questions : Collecting information to establish the client's goals and objectives. Which of the following is NOT good practice while designing questions for this instrument
What is the equivalent annual cost : Te sander will be worthless and will be scrapped. The company has a 34% tax rate, a 16% discount rate. What is the equivalent annual cost
What is southern tours willing to pay today to acquire : 13.5 percent rate of return is applicable to this potential acquisition. What is Southern Tours willing to pay today to acquire Holiday Vacations?
Assess the effectiveness of amazon leadership : Assess the effectiveness of amazon's leadership. Provide reference.
Discuss the basis of amazon competitive advantage : Discuss the basis of amazon's competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy. Please provide reference with your answer.


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