Which is most important in your opinion and experience

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Reference no: EM133521347

Question: Discussion of specific theories of personality closes this session with a review of Allport's trait theory and Allen's (2016) perspectives on what the future holds for the field of personality. As presented in the reading (Allen, 2016), Allport took an idiographic approach to personality which means he was more focused on the uniqueness of the individual than on commonalities across people. Moreover, he believed traits guide people toward behavior and that traits varied as to their centrality in personality (e.g. cardinal, central, and secondary). One of his strongest contributions lies in his focus on prejudice, discrimination and racism. This contribution has initiated ongoing research into these areas.

In the second chapter reading, Allen (2016) addresses and summarizes key dimensions of personality theories that may shape the future of this field: neuroscientific research, a focus on consciousness, a future orientation, a holistic perspective and the centrality of cognition, to name a few areas addressed.

A. Your chapter presents an extensive discussion around the nature of prejudice. Take any concept presented in relation to prejudice or in research related to it and discuss your perspective on the topic.

B. Given the various components of personality theories that Allen (2016) believes should be a focus of personality in the future, which is most important in your opinion and experience? Explain.

C. Schmitt et al. (2017) provide an overview of research findings on gender differences in "egalitarian" societies. What surprising conclusion do these researchers reveal? Do you believe this is a valid perspective? Why? Why not?

Reference no: EM133521347

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