Which is, do you not know that you are god temple

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133561759

Case Study: Professional accountability as a nurse means doing what is right and what is best for the patient. If we weren't doing what is suitable for the patient, meaning maybe a procedure, it would be a waste of everyone's time, plus the patient's money. Being a professional nurse truly is knowing the different skills, constantly obtaining more knowledge, and being able to use resources. A nurse may come into a situation where her viewpoints are other than the patient's, but in reality, the nurse needs to separate herself, put her perspectives aside, and do what the patient wants.

An example of how a nurse demonstrated evidence-based practice and professional accountability is by repositioning a patient every 2 hours. A nurse would reposition a patient every 2 hours to decrease the chance of the patient having pressure sores and reduce hospital-acquired pressure injuries. The nurse could delegate the tasks of repositioning the patient every 2 hours. Still, to maintain accountability, she should check on the patient and make sure they were repositioned and the documentation is done. If the nurse checks in on the patient and sees that they are not repositioned, she should ask for assistance to reposition the patient and discuss with the staff that she delegated the task. Repositioning a patient relieves the pressure on the area at risk for developing a pressure sore (Repositioning - the prevention and management of pressure ulcers in primary and secondary care). The nursing process relates to repositioning a patient as an intervention to prevent pressure sores.

Incorporating self-care into mental health and spiritual well-being means genuinely taking care of yourself doing things you like and find relaxing. If you are your best, that is best for your patient, as you are on your game!

Question:  The bible verse I found about self-care comes from "Corinthians 3:16, which is, do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you" (100 Bible verses about taking care of yourself)? This means that our body is the temple, and we must take care of it to be the best version of ourselves. give me response in simple way as a human being with reference

Reference no: EM133561759

Questions Cloud

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