Which is defining the social justice issue

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133679665


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Include these readings to make a connection with your writing:

Can Power from Below Change the World? By Frances Fox Piven

The German Idealogy by Karl Marx

Choose a social justice issue in a community to which you belong and a community organization involved in it in Newark, NJ that is searchable.

You are going to include the introduction which is defining the social justice issue and general context, which you include basic and recent information, statistics, and other material to get your reader interested.

Then, you are going to write about the background, providing a brief overview of the community organization you will be studying and the community it serves.

Third, write about the design and methods, describe in detail the kind of information you need and how you will go about collecting that data. In the organization, collect data like websites or social media posts.

Lastly, you are going to write about ethics and personal rationale, discuss your interest in the research, experiences, and preparation to conduct the research, why are you the right person to conduct this research? How will you embody an ethics of care in your research? How will you protect the confidentiality of the people that share their stories? Who are you as a researcher? How will this affect how community members see you, you see them, and the type of relationships you can build?

Reference no: EM133679665

Questions Cloud

Explain the importance of environmental sociology : What are the three different causes and solutions to environmental social problems based in the three Sociological Theoretical Perspectives.
Evidence of an understanding of those social work theories : A reflection on family role play that includes clear and significant evidence on key social work concepts such as power, privilege, relationship-based practice.
Discuss the values that your family embraced : Think back to your childhood, and discuss the values that your family embraced. Do you still have the same values as an adult, or have they changed?
Utilized indigenous storytelling traditions : Utilized Indigenous storytelling traditions and epistemologies through the medium of social media.
Which is defining the social justice issue : You are going to include the introduction which is defining the social justice issue and general context, which you include basic and recent information.
What systemic forces influence the lives of the children : Do these forces work in favor or against those your practicum site serves? What power or control do you have over the systemic forces?
What are the social and economic factors of the community : What are the social and economic factors of the community that contribute to this Radon hazard being an issue?
What are some common email mistakes : What are some advantages and disadvantages associated with communicating by email? What are some common email mistakes and how can they be avoided?
Is racism more prevalent in the online environment : Is racism more prevalent in the online environment? Do you feel that people tend to be more open and vocal in their racism and/or bigotry online?


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