Reference no: EM132197160
A Scenario - A Day at the Office
Your boss has called you into his office. It's 9:00 a.m. Friday morning. He asks, "I've talked to others in your group, and they have agreed to work this weekend to get the project out the door by next Monday. Can I count on you?" You respond, "Can I give you a decision later today, say by 11:00 a.m.? I need to check my calendar to see if I am available." Your boss agrees. In checking your schedule, you see that you have a meeting at 2:00 p.m. with one of your company's major clients to review the latest shipment. If you work this weekend, you will have to cancel the meeting because you will have some preparation work to do prior to working on the project this weekend. The client will not be pleased if you cancel the meeting. You immediately find Max and say, "Max, good friend, remember that time I pulled your shift last May when your wife had the baby? Well, I need for you to cover me this weekend. Can you?" Max agrees. You go to your boss's office and before you have an opportunity to speak, he says, "I really need for you to see this project through for me. You are the only one in the group that fully comprehends what this project means to the company. I need your expertise and judgement on this."
Various types of influence strategies are illustrated in the story of a day at the office. For each of the following situations, indicate the type of influence strategy that was illustrated. Provide support for your answer.
Situation 1: In your first meeting with your boss, at 9:00 a.m., which influence strategy did he employ?
Situation 2: Which influence strategy did you employ with Max?
Situation 3: Which influence strategy did your boss try a second time?
Situation 4: Your spouse has reminded you on several occasions during the past week how he wants to visit his family this weekend. You have come to the conclusion that unless you agree to go, you will hear about this until the day you die. Which influence strategy is your spouse using?